Boy how things changed once December 1st rolled around. We started our scouting on November 27th with seeing anywhere from 3-8 bulls a day up until the opener. We even had a couple of buddies drive up from Phoenix area to help us, giving us 2 trucks to get around in. Seemed like once that moon hit full, that was it for sightings. I was putting on around 7 miles each day, head lamping in before dark and out after dark. I think we saw 2 smaller 6's on about the 4th day with about 10 minutes of light left. They were 900 yards away and the wind was blowing about 40. Pretty frustrating to say the least. We have had pretty descent success in 10 in the past for non residents and we felt pretty good going into the hunt and during our scouting. I really feel like the lack of weather, full moon and high winds shut us down. We still had a good time and it was nice to see a couple of old friends and meet some new ones. Were still going to keep at it.