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About Azelkaholic2017

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  1. Azelkaholic2017

    Draw results

    Results are up!!! Got look everyone. Lets see what everyone got! Not drawn for me 😪
  2. Azelkaholic2017


    Found this in the same unit few years back!
  3. Azelkaholic2017

    Hits started

    Me too! How many points you got?
  4. Azelkaholic2017

    First Rub of the year

    Sooo was in unit 8! For archery Deer. No luck This weekend But Got very excited when I seen my First Elk Rub of the season! Nothing like SEPTEMBER! 🙌.. don't even have a tag but still Pumped. Lol good luck to all! Gonna be a great year. Tank's are looking good! Lots of water in that unit.
  5. Azelkaholic2017

    Unit 23n early hunt outfitter

    I'm very interested.. Email me azelkaholic20@gmail.com. I will help you out free of charge.
  6. Azelkaholic2017

    Unit 9 Late Rifle Bull

  7. Azelkaholic2017

    Need Your Spots

    I heard 4A is a Sleeper unit.
  8. Azelkaholic2017

    Tick Tock

    What time are they gonna start hitting CC's today?
  9. Azelkaholic2017

    Draw application page now available

    Here we go!!! Another drought year its looking to be. Bonus point for me. Good luck to all who put in.
  10. Azelkaholic2017

    2021 Pronghorn Regs are online

    I know right?! Why can't I login?? I tried calling G&F no response... any word?
  11. Azelkaholic2017

    Mule Deer 20/21 Rut Report

    18b is in full swing!
  12. Azelkaholic2017

    AZ late season unit 8

    Your in for a very very tough Hunt. And Super dang cold. GOOD LUCK!
  13. Azelkaholic2017

    2020 Archery Bull

    Way to get it done! Congrats. Beautiful Bull
  14. Azelkaholic2017

    2020 Archery Bull Elk Down

    what did it score by the way? Sorry forgot to ask
  15. Azelkaholic2017

    2020 Archery Bull Elk Down

    Congrats. Wow now that sounds like a hunt I dream of! Great job thou. But Now every E-scouter is looking up 18A as i write this and now the unit is probably gonna get super crowded now. Lol