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About oldrdude

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  • Birthday 02/22/1949

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    SE Tucson

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  1. oldrdude

    Deer Camp

    Hunting down in 35A where there is a lot of illegal crossing foot traffic at all hours, do you think that a pretty loud deer camp 1 1/2 mile from where you will hunt (meaning loud music and horseshoes by lantern) is an issue or are the deer likely accustomed to night noise now down here more than before? I've believed that deer know an increase in truck traffic signals hunting season, but not sure about camp site night noise.
  2. I've hunted 35A about 7 years as I never seem to get 1st chocie cooler weather units. Any advice for larger bucks w/ Oct hunt on whether to go high and glass forever, or to go sit and glass the oak fingers that go toward San Rafeal (sp?) Valley just south of Parker Canyon Lake? I've hunted Lone Mnt area, Sycamore Creek, Area north of Sunnyside, Scotia Canyon, Merritt for 3 years, and up top closer to Coronado Monument by Millers Peak. Getting old and out of shape and would rather sit and glass for quality buck rather than spike or 2 point. What advice do you experts have down in this area? (I have also hunted Canelo Pass area and the Canelo area by the old church, and got a nice one 11 yrs ago in Parker Canyon behind the lake to the NE.) It seems the illegal crossing traffic has reduced the number of bucks I am seeing both before the hunt and in season, which is why I am asking about hutning lower where there isn't as much illegal foot traffic like there is by AZ Trail area.
  3. Hunting 35B again. If I am glassing just at first light, is it better to glass on a north facing slope or a west facing slope. I've heard Coues don't like sunlight and will stay in shadows as long as possible. Have late Oct. hunt
  4. oldrdude

    Higher or lower in Nov

    Thanks for the reply. Have hunted it during Oct 1st hunt 5 of 6 times and time I hunted in Nov was year of the big burn by Scotia/Merritt Canyons which wasn't typical. Hunt now over for me. Saw does at 6500 ft on top or near top ridges. Saw nothing in heavy brush/ravines. Saw one deer after dark by Sunnyside Rd south of lake. Game and Fish guy said he had checked in only 2 small bucks.
  5. I leave Wed for the Scotia Canyon area and your story and pics have got me into a frenzy! Nice big bodied buck and great story; like you painted a picture. Was it pretty warm, cause it looked like it. Hate hunting in cactus myself but ya gotta go were they are I guess. Thanks for sharing. You saw a lot of bucks. That never happens to me likely cause my optics are not good enough and I have not nearly enough patience in glassing.
  6. Anyone driven FR201 and 202 in Huachuca Mountains as far as the map shows where it goes through private property and ends up at the Arizona Trail? Can you drive thru the private property to get to Forest land? How is the road after the rains this year? Anyone ever hunted that area inc. Lyle Canyon area?
  7. I am hunting my 6th year near Merritt and Scotia Canyon south of Parker Canyon lake. I've hunted Oct and Nov and one Dec hunts there. For the Nov 11th hunt, do you think the bucks moved higher or lower after the initial Oct 3 day hunt or do they react like most deer and return to their normal area/patterns after 4 or 5 days of no pressure? The wind seems to always be out of the SW and I've been told to (a) glass the east/northeast hill sides before the sun is a problem and ( after the 1st gunshots and heavy pressure the Coues bucks will stay in very dense cover for the rest of Nov by a couple of guides and others have said go low where you would normally hunt Mearns in the oak thicket fingers. ???