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Roosevelt Mark

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Everything posted by Roosevelt Mark

  1. Roosevelt Mark

    17B & 19B

    No no no no...no
  2. Roosevelt Mark

    Draw Results

    21 for me and 8 for my son.
  3. Roosevelt Mark

    17B & 19B

    Oh ok, I guess I have elk on the brain.lol
  4. Roosevelt Mark

    17B & 19B

    I have killed probably 15 bucks in17b and never seen an elk or sign. Must not be very many of them.
  5. Roosevelt Mark

    Draw Results

    Congratulations...we are friends right? Lol
  6. Roosevelt Mark

    Draw Results

    Yes, I went in with 20 last year so should be 21 this year and my portal said 18 including a loyalty point. She sad I did not put in so I emailed my receipts. My portal is still wrong but maybe they added them. Same with my son. Said he did not put in the last 4 years but had a loyalty point. I emailed his receipts but his portal has not chamged.
  7. Roosevelt Mark

    Draw Results

    Tag number 25 for 3a3c early rifle bull for me and 3a3c general bull for my son.
  8. Roosevelt Mark

    Draw Results

    My son got charged Friday afternoon
  9. Roosevelt Mark

    Who is raising beef

    Dont forget quality. It not all about the cost
  10. Roosevelt Mark

    Calling in lions.

    Back in 2018...
  11. Roosevelt Mark

    TWO Igloo elk coolers SOLD

    Good coolers. I have 1.
  12. Roosevelt Mark

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    Dang guys...brutal. I don't have a dog in this arm chair fight. Jmo. Cheers and good luck on the hunts.
  13. Roosevelt Mark

    What’s your 401K doing?

    I put 15% in, down .6% but I moved it when Brandon won. I'm not loosing any of my money just a little bit of the company match. Not making hay but just fine.
  14. Roosevelt Mark

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    Bob, did you get cc hit?
  15. Roosevelt Mark

    5 Days into the Archery elk season. Giant bulls on the ground...

    Still no ground shrink.
  16. Roosevelt Mark

    Needing a place to live

    I was thinking that exact scene when this tread went off the tracks..lmfao
  17. Roosevelt Mark

    hunting/camping solo

    We were hard to miss..
  18. Roosevelt Mark

    hunting/camping solo

    We have big camps, big rigs, music cranking beer drinken cigar smoken hoot n and holler n sum beaches. Still ain't seen a deer...must be a bad area...
  19. Roosevelt Mark

    Needing a place to live

    Hey, it's all pink...
  20. Roosevelt Mark


    Great picture
  21. Roosevelt Mark

    House cleaner recommendations?

  22. Roosevelt Mark

    Interior Door - $40

  23. Roosevelt Mark

    Youth gun give away

    How many entries do you have at this time?
  24. Roosevelt Mark

    Boat and trailer projects

    That 14 footer has a lot of potential. Thats what my 16 footer looked like when I bought it in 89. Some sanding, shot it with zink oxide and painted it. I decked it out and still have it in the garage and use it for trout fishing up north. Back then that was the only boat I had so I took it to every lake. I'll see if I have a picture of it. Good boat.
  25. Roosevelt Mark

    Elk draw screw up

    Same thing happened to my SIL this year, she called GF and they told her no problem. Is it true? We will see.