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Roosevelt Mark

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Everything posted by Roosevelt Mark

  1. Roosevelt Mark

    Need a Diesel Mechanic in the East Valley

    Monster diesel in mesa. Not a shade tree mechanic but awesome work.
  2. Roosevelt Mark

    What Church do you attend?

    What ever church the funeral is at.
  3. Roosevelt Mark

    Practice much?

    We have alot of unethical hunters here, archery elk and dove season bring out the best of them. Dam shame.
  4. Roosevelt Mark

    Girl power 3 for 3

    Wow, great bucks. Congrats.
  5. Roosevelt Mark

    Junior tag filled!

    Donkey Kong. Congrats to all involved.
  6. Roosevelt Mark

    My boys got it done!!

    Congats to all of you. Nicly done
  7. Roosevelt Mark

    Help aging buck

    I don't think he's very old at all. 3.5, 4.5 tops. His ears look good, not much grey, can't see ribs, face don't look scarred. Nice buck for sure and I don't claim to know much. I hope you get him.
  8. Roosevelt Mark

    Taking a Knee...

    Sure was alot of Pepole at the cardinal game.
  9. Roosevelt Mark

    How big is he

    If he's the best on you have seen, he's a shooter.
  10. Roosevelt Mark

    Who else is going out this weekend?

    It's pig and deer season?
  11. Roosevelt Mark

    Early Rifle Success

  12. Roosevelt Mark

    7 E Bull

    Exactly, congrats.
  13. Roosevelt Mark

    7 E Bull

  14. Roosevelt Mark

    Unit 27 stud bull!

    Outstanding, congrats.
  15. Roosevelt Mark

    A few coues

    Nice bucks.
  16. Roosevelt Mark

    2001 Tahoe 5th Wheel, 23 ft - $5800 price drop

    Bump for a good deal.
  17. Roosevelt Mark

    Wyo goat

    Very nice, congrats.
  18. Roosevelt Mark

    Mule deer sausage/stuffed bell-peppers

    That's one of our favorite dinners.
  19. Roosevelt Mark

    Globe - Reliable Game Meat Processing

    Call the archery shop, theyll have his number.
  20. I always wondered how they worked. Good find.
  21. Roosevelt Mark

    unit 1 bull

    Outstanding, that bull will eat really good.
  22. Roosevelt Mark

    Micheline LTX 265/75/r17 tires E Rated

    How about $50 bucks for your 6 year old tires.
  23. Roosevelt Mark

    Trails End Taxidermy Queen Creek

    Takes forever, he's shadey and expensive. I've bumped into him a few time over the years and dont care for the dude.
  24. Roosevelt Mark

    Volunteer Game Deputies

    People would be getting shot, stabbed, raped etc. No bueno.
  25. Roosevelt Mark

    HSUS Files in Arizona to ban Mountain Lion, Bobcat Hunting

    They ban it in California for a few year's until the cats started eating joggers and little kids at the park.