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About Thanson

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  1. Thanson

    Son’s First AZ Elk Hunt

    What a fun hunt. Next stop unit 23 in December for Coues deer with my other son.
  2. Thanson

    Dec Rifle Elk Unit 8

    Yeah, I know there are plenty near the roads but if you are able to I would prefer to not be surrounded by other hunters either. I’ll be hunting the Kachina Peaks in October with one son and 23 for deer in December with my other son. Hope you fill your tag with a big one. Sounds like you know where to look.
  3. Thanson

    Dec Rifle Elk Unit 8

    My son had that hunt two years ago. Scouted several areas in advance. Day before opening saw several bulls. Hiked in before daylight on opening morning and there were at least 5 other groups of hunters on the same ridge and several drove across country to get near there. Went to plan B and hiked in to another area before daylight the next day. Just before daylight several ATVs showed up near where we had hiked in. Not many hunters could read the ‘road closed’ signs. There are plenty of elk in there just try to get away from the other 499 hunters as best you can. Basically find the roughest roads, drive to the end of them and hike a bit and you’ll get away from everyone else and improve your odds. If you PM me I’ll give you a couple areas.
  4. Thanson

    7E Kachina Peaks October Hunt

    That was one of the first things I watched after my son got drawn for this hunt. I’ll be hunting Coues in December with my 10 year old so it should be a fun season whether we get anything or not.
  5. Thanson

    7E Kachina Peaks October Hunt

    Yeah, I know it will be tough but just getting out is half the fun. Since we are limited to just the peaks I’m hoping we can find where a few hang out in 7 days. I know the numbers are low because game and fish doesn’t want the elk in that area.
  6. Thanson

    7E Kachina Peaks October Hunt

    It is a bull hunt. I just checked and there are 30 cow tags the same week as well as 30 the week before. Is 60 hunters a lot for that small of an area? I didn’t see the concurrent cow hunts because none of the other units do that. Now I know.
  7. Thanson

    7E Kachina Peaks October Hunt

    Well, my son is in good shape. I’ll be in decent shape but at that elevation I’m sure I’ll be huffing and puffing. Are they pretty spread out or will there be decent sized herds of cows?
  8. Thanson

    7E Kachina Peaks October Hunt

    Thanks, I was planning on a lot of hiking. Archery in that unit would be pretty tough if they aren’t rutting hard. Next time! As long as we get to chase a few that will be good enough. Bagging one would just be an added bonus. There are 30 rifle tags the week before his hunt so hopefully they won’t be hunted too hard.
  9. Thanson

    7E Kachina Peaks October Hunt

    Good to know. Thanks
  10. Thanson

    7E Kachina Peaks October Hunt

    It was his 1st choice with 4 points. He knows it won’t be easy but he is up for the challenge. This is actually the only bull hunt that lined up with his fall break as well. The other hunts he put in for were late rifle.
  11. Thanson

    7E Kachina Peaks October Hunt

    It was my sons first choice. Units 8 and 9 late rifle were second and third. He didn’t want to sit out another year.
  12. Thanson

    7E Kachina Peaks October Hunt

    Anybody hunted the Kachina Peaks in October? My son drew the October 4th -10th hunt. When putting in we knew it would be a tough hunt but better to have a tough hunt than no hunt at all. We’ve spent a lot of time in unit 8 but not much in 7e. From what I can tell the elk are pretty sparse in the 7e peaks hunt but I’m hoping with the rut we can at least get into some. We will be spending several weekends setting up cameras and getting to know the unit better. Anyone have any advice for how to hunt that unit beside hike a lot and get in shape!