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Everything posted by eastvalleyjerry

  1. eastvalleyjerry

    And the Card hits will begin

    It’s back, false alarm
  2. eastvalleyjerry

    And the Card hits will begin

    I had a charge this morning for elk and now it’s gone….
  3. eastvalleyjerry

    Sitka Jetstream Open Country Size Medium

    I think you might be able to do a free size exchange with Sitka. I could be wrong but I know you can do that with Kuiu.
  4. eastvalleyjerry

    SOLD - 2 New Mossberg 500s - 20 Gauge

    I will take the youth model. PM sent
  5. eastvalleyjerry

    Archery OTC Future?

    Just leave it as a quota like it is now and maybe decrease the numbers the following year if a unit gets hammered way over quota. They have to be getting better data on the general hunts with the e-tags now I would think.
  6. eastvalleyjerry

    Where's the best hand tossed pizza in Arizona?

    Typical tictok hype... just drove by there today and people were actually standing outside waiting in line
  7. eastvalleyjerry

    Timmy Winslow

    Weak mentality
  8. eastvalleyjerry

    Timmy Winslow

    I think with all of the advantages we have with onX, g&f info, podcasts, YouTube, gear etc. it is very lame. I also don’t really care about how much time an out of state hunter has to scout or hunt. What do they want the deer to walk up to them and let them shoot it. If you don’t have time to scout hire a guide or show up when your hunt starts and start hunting.
  9. eastvalleyjerry

    Timmy Winslow

    I think selling spots is lame, especially to out of state hunters. Finding spots on your own is part of the fun.
  10. eastvalleyjerry

    Where's the best hand tossed pizza in Arizona?

    Its definitely good and probably worth trying but I aint going to wait in a line for it or anything, especially since I used to be able to call at almost anytime and get take out in 20 minutes. I don't even think they do takeout now.
  11. eastvalleyjerry

    Where's the best hand tossed pizza in Arizona?

    Yeah pretty sure the daughter took over Buono's and changed the name to Amici.
  12. eastvalleyjerry

    Where's the best hand tossed pizza in Arizona?

    I live right by Amici, its pretty good but just got a lot of hype because the owner has a tick tock. It used to be a go to because it is so close to me but not worth it anymore.
  13. eastvalleyjerry

    Selling Some Guns and Optics *Rangefinders added*

    Pm sent on the 870
  14. eastvalleyjerry

    Misc. Guns, Ammo, Scopes

    Interested in the shotgun if its still available.
  15. eastvalleyjerry

    Gen 5 Glock 19 for sale

    Any chance you are in the phoenix area anytime soon? I would take it off your hands.
  16. eastvalleyjerry

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    That's awesome! Good work
  17. eastvalleyjerry

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    Quit being so emotional
  18. eastvalleyjerry

    Wtb looking for a 270win

    What are the details on this?
  19. eastvalleyjerry

    Whats my score

    Looks big, congrats!
  20. eastvalleyjerry

    Big Ole Boar the old fashioned way!

    Congrats on a big ol bear, would be curious to hear what G&F ages him at.
  21. eastvalleyjerry

    Rocky Point Fishing

    Surf fishing can be pretty fun down there, caught numerous corvina and spanish mackerel using a 3/4 ounce spoon at high tide.
  22. eastvalleyjerry

    Mexico Fishing

    Some nice looking fish, love surf fishing for Corvina with artificial bait.
  23. eastvalleyjerry


    I need a new pad, gonna try this one out.
  24. eastvalleyjerry


    Depends on the weather, usually lay out a bed roll in the back of the truck for solo or quick trips, for hunts we have a new wall tent and bring cots. Done cheap hotels on some hunts too, nice having a hot shower at 3am
  25. eastvalleyjerry


    PM sent