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Everything posted by eastvalleyjerry

  1. eastvalleyjerry


    that sucks
  2. eastvalleyjerry

    400+ on 23 archery?

    yeah doesn't look like any where near Colcord Campground. nice bull though.
  3. eastvalleyjerry

    Day 13 Bull...EDIT with pic of Euro almost done

    Awesome bull congrats! Really cool fronts
  4. eastvalleyjerry

    Trespassers Will Be Shot Part 2

  5. eastvalleyjerry

    how to train your bass

    fish whisperer is the man
  6. eastvalleyjerry

    Unknown scat

  7. eastvalleyjerry

    Bull Elk are Tough!!

    thats crazy. yeah post a pic
  8. eastvalleyjerry

    Just a little overkill

    Hahaha thats ridiculous. Congrats
  9. eastvalleyjerry

    Garmin GPS Map 60Cx Like New! SOLD!

    Interested as well if buffhunter ends up not taking it.
  10. eastvalleyjerry

    Bone broadheads?

    $60 for a 3 pack seems a little high but what do i know.
  11. eastvalleyjerry

    Cabelas Krotos 15-45x65mm spotter

    pm sent
  12. eastvalleyjerry

    Starting to check cams...

    Yeah that first pic is nasty
  13. eastvalleyjerry

    Podcasts are ruining hunting areas

    I imagine the people putting all of this out on social media do not care because they only put in for premium tags or guide. I agree with all of you its getting harder and harder.
  14. eastvalleyjerry

    Something Came in the mail today...

    What is the concern?
  15. eastvalleyjerry

    Find It

    Did a little glassing to stay sharp.
  16. eastvalleyjerry

    Find It

    I scrolled back up and I took the picture....
  17. eastvalleyjerry

    Find It

    I think it is one year old as it looks identical to a bull my friend took in 2017. I was unable to go retrieve it.
  18. eastvalleyjerry

    Any sheep hits?

    . 40a sucks hope you got point guard Hahaha
  19. eastvalleyjerry

    Coues Shed Video

    good work!
  20. eastvalleyjerry

    Any sheep hits?

    The whole unit.
  21. eastvalleyjerry

    Any sheep hits?

    Lucked out and drew one of the 40a tags.
  22. eastvalleyjerry

    Hitting Cards

    18 Dang 18! i think i only had 8
  23. eastvalleyjerry

    Hitting Cards

    How many points did you have?