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Everything posted by eastvalleyjerry

  1. eastvalleyjerry

    What do you guys think?

    Lets see the second bull. Congrats on getting it done twice,
  2. I am interested in the 338 and will be in Flagstaff this weekend. Are you going to be up there?
  3. eastvalleyjerry


    Awesome looking Bull!
  4. eastvalleyjerry

    7E archery cow tag

    What Flatlander said is the best advice.
  5. eastvalleyjerry

    What do you guys think?

    Ya it sounds like two options. Go get his bull back or go try to get another one. That's too bad though. Sounds like a bad dream...
  6. eastvalleyjerry

    Need help tracking buck in southern az. (Hounds)

    Tough luck, they are tough animals. Hopefully he made it and you can get another chance at him later in the year.
  7. eastvalleyjerry


    I really need to start putting in for out of state tags. Awesome deer. Congratulations
  8. eastvalleyjerry

    First archery buck!

    Wow! awesome deer congrats. Looks like cool country.
  9. eastvalleyjerry

    Antelope Island Bucks

    Went up to Utah over the weekend to visit my brother who is stationed at Hill Air force base. I have always wanted to go to Antelope Island and see some of the giants out there and i was not disappointed. The Antelope were all over and in the rut so that was cool to see. I got pictures of three pretty nice deer. Unfortunately they did not turn out too well because all i had were my binos and phone. Not too bad though. If you ever get a chance to go do it.
  10. eastvalleyjerry

    Got the Muley Buck I was After!

    Unreal! Congrats
  11. eastvalleyjerry

    Vortex Diamonback Binos and tripod

    How much for just the Binos? Understandable if you are not trying to split everything up.
  12. eastvalleyjerry

    Buck of a lifetime!!

    Definitely a BAD buck. Congrats
  13. eastvalleyjerry

    First Post

    Hi Everyone, Long time lurker first time posting. I am always entertained by the banter and amazing animals you guys post on here. I figured it was time for me give back a little and at least start putting some pictures up. I got this little deer the last day of December 2016 so i was not being picky. Spotted him going over a hill made a good stock that gave me nice 50 yd shot. I didn't get drawn for anything this year as usual so i will be heading up this weekend for a little more archery action. I hope everyone has a great year and good weekend if you are going out. I will get some more pictures up eventually but i figured start with my smallest animal and then let them get bigger and bigger. Best Regards, Ethan
  14. eastvalleyjerry

    First Post

    To his defense i did have to whip out the 15x56's at 100 yards to make sure it had antlers . It also helped that he was by himself. Probably the best tasting meat that i have ever had.
  15. eastvalleyjerry

    First Post

    yeah the spikes don't get a pass on the last day lol
  16. eastvalleyjerry

    First Post

    This was my third archery deer shot a nice 4x3 and 2x2 before this little guy, sorry wasn't too clear on that. I will get more pictures up eventually, don't have any on my new phone. I also shot the elk in my avatar with my bow.
  17. eastvalleyjerry

    First Post

    Thanks Guys, I was using a maxima 350 carbon express with a fixed 3 blade muzzy and yes it went right through the shoulder blade and passed all the way through on the other side.