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About 8barrel

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    All the usual things: accurate rifles, quality optics, hunting, shooting, good trucks and the freedom to enjoy them...

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  1. 8barrel

    WTB Hand Gun Scope

    Are you looking for fixed or variable power? Silver or blued? Price range may help also. Good luck with your search.
  2. 8barrel

    Accurate 5744 & 2015

    I'll take them!
  3. 8barrel

    Ruger Redhawk .44 Mag - SOLD!!

    Beautiful revolver! Good luck with sale.
  4. 8barrel

    Chiappa LA 322 .22LR Lever Action Take Down Rifle

    These are very cool little rifles. Love mine! Good luck with sale...
  5. 8barrel

    5B november rifle

    That's a great 1st bull! Congratulations!
  6. 8barrel

    H1000 CFE pistol

    I have 2lbs of Retumbo that I will trade for H1000
  7. 8barrel

    Misc. Items For Sale

    I'd be happy to take the 7mm WSM ammo, the Talley Vanguard rings and the Warne 213m rings off your hands. Text sent
  8. 8barrel

    Sold---Leupold Vari X 2.5 X 8 EER Scope

    I'll take it!
  9. 8barrel

    WANTED to buy .257 roberts

    Yes, cruel! Lol
  10. I will take the Federal Premium.
  11. 8barrel

    PRICE DROP Semi custom Rem 700 22-250 for sale

    What is the barrel twist?
  12. 8barrel

    Free Tupperware Stocks (mostly)

    I can make use of #5. I have a Interarms Mark X that could use a makeover.
  13. 8barrel

    222 Remington *Price Reduced

    Great rifles! I have the exact gun manufactured in '67'. Super accurate. Good luck with the sale.
  14. 8barrel

    San Carlos success

    Nice bird! Im heading up in the morning. This will be my first Turkey hunt on San Carlos. I plan on moving around until I find birds. Congrats on such a nice Tom.
  15. 8barrel

    36A Muzzy Success

    Nice buck! I've been toying with the idea of putting in for a ML whitetail hunt.