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Everything posted by tyler1215

  1. Angled eye piece. In perfect condition. Used once this season and realized I'm not going to pack around a spotting scope. Dropping price to $150. I can even throw in the phone scope attachment for it. I'll be in the east valley this weekend
  2. tyler1215

    Rocky point pier fishing advise

    Hello. I'm taking my family to rocky point in March and looking for some fishing tips/advise. I'm not an avid fisherman and have never salt water fished. We're staying at the reef rv park and it's right by the reef pier. From what I've read we won't need any license to fish from this pier. Is that confirmed? Any advise on what to use for bait? I have a couple larger cat fish poles, will those work? Any other advise or recommendations I would appreciate it. Thank you
  3. tyler1215

    Draw deadline.

    It's open now
  4. tyler1215

    New Mexico draw

    Sounds good I'll be in a navy blue jeep
  5. tyler1215

    New Mexico draw

    I got this tag also. Had it last year it was a blast. Gonna be interesting without a scope but my shot ended up being 110 yards so hopefully I can have the same this year
  6. They did this last year to generate money. It'll will be done every year going forward.
  7. tyler1215

    Card Hits!

    I think most people are sick of you guys arguing. I don't come on here to read this bs. Has nothing to do with hunting
  8. tyler1215

    Sick to my stomach!!!!!

    I guess you need to change ur username on here. Lol sorry man
  9. tyler1215


    March 6th is the deadline to update cc. Wonder how many times I'll check my account on the 7th lol
  10. tyler1215


    My guess is that they will announce today that the deadline to update cc is at 11:59pm on the 9th. Next Friday the 10th they'll start hitting cards
  11. tyler1215

    Decoy question

    This spring will be my first year spring turkey hunting. I'm really excited and trying to get everything prepared. My wife got me avian hen and Jake decoy set for Christmas. They say they are Rio Grande and I'm wondering if that makes a difference for hunting here in AZ. These are pretty expensive decoys and I plan on using them for a long time. Should I replace them or does it even matter?
  12. tyler1215

    PSA: Apply Now For 2023 Elk and Pronghorn Hunts...

    The regulations were posted last Friday. They just opened up the draw yesterday
  13. tyler1215

    Decoy question

    Thanks for all the replies
  14. tyler1215

    Decoy question

    I've been reading a lot and watching videos on turkey hunting but can't say I've came across anything regarding placement of decoys. Do you care to explain what you mean? I appreciate the response.
  15. 4 couse in one season is awesome (period)I knew this post would go this way as soon as u posted it haha. Either way one heck of season
  16. When is OP's San Carlos hunt. Sorry if i missed an early post I had to skip a few because of all the shiz talking on this thread
  17. tyler1215

    Go Vote

  18. tyler1215

    They are hitting cards

    Lol now the real kicker will be if they come back and say "sorry u actually didn't even get drawn".
  19. tyler1215

    AZGFD offering 12 Limited tags.

    I don't see why so many people are angry about this. It's only a couple tags and generates them a boat load of money. Plus a few extra people get to go hunting. If u don't like it, don't apply. It's not affecting your odds of drawing a regular tag
  20. tyler1215

    New reg question

    I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for regarding the new archery regs. Does the quota start over Jan 1st or not until February 1st when the archery hunts are all over?
  21. tyler1215

    New reg question

    Thank you
  22. tyler1215

    Hits started

    Thank you
  23. tyler1215

    Hits started

    Does anyone happen to have the left over tag list from last year's deer draw?
  24. tyler1215

    Tick Tock

    I heard they had issues last night with their website and gonna extend the period to update cards. Blahahaha