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Everything posted by chrismp51

  1. chrismp51

    LukeDuke gets his 1st

    Nice! sounds like he made a great shot. The pride in his face is awesome!
  2. chrismp51

    Rifle Ammo

    Just wondering if any of you load rifle ammo on a progressive press? I normally load all rifle ammo on a single stage, but for the AR wanted something a little faster.
  3. chrismp51

    Rifle Ammo

    I was concerned with the case preperation, so I set the 550 up for powder and bullet seating. I am depriming, sizing on the sigle stage, it goes pretty quck that way. I was really surprised how accurate the dillon is with the powder.
  4. chrismp51

    Graduation gift

    Nice! I had the same problem and bought the rail extention by GG&G, works great.
  5. chrismp51

    New Bailout Plan

    Kinda funny, it sure sounds good but nobody bothers to do the math on this. 40 million x 1 million = 40 trillion. Thats even more printing than Obama has in mind..
  6. chrismp51

    Find the deer

    Cool looks like good times.
  7. chrismp51

    FURS, dogs and cats

    Well, I am sure that I am not the only one that want to see the mounts!
  8. chrismp51

    FURS, dogs and cats

    Nice! Where are all of your badgers?
  9. chrismp51

    What is it?

    Is that his jacket hanging off of the tree?
  10. chrismp51

    Rifle primers?

    Did you try Bruno's? I havent been in there in a while, but they usually have a good supply, and restock quickly.
  11. chrismp51

    Muzzleloader help?

    Try out a scope made for the smoke poles. I have a Nikon Omega, these reticles are great with the muzzle loaders. Good luck on your hunt!
  12. chrismp51

    They are up!!

    All of this beeping is going to drive me to the Big Love post...
  13. chrismp51

    AZ Bobcat

    Me and a buddy took the day off of work and headed up north for a day of calling. We made a lot of stands, and finally got this bobcat to come in. She came in at the 8 minute mark, and Sal made a great 80 yard shot. I almost sealed the deal on my second badger, but he dove in his hole before I could get a shot off! With the exception of a HUGE nail in my tire, we had a great day of calling. Saw a lot of folks with some serious bone, cant wait to get back up for some shed hunting. Congrats Sal on your first Bobcat!
  14. chrismp51

    AZ Bobcat

    Go easy.. Stacy is going through a rough time. I think he may need some counseling.....Or a rabbits foot (bought at store with his luck).
  15. chrismp51

    Another Robert Cat Down

    Correction Sally! I let the folks at work know that I am going hunting.. You play hookie!! I agree, it sure would be nice to take lunch behind the caller!
  16. chrismp51

    Bear and Bones

    Awesome pics and a great write up! I would love to get out and do some backcountry hiking/hunting. Those sheds make it a huge bonus. Well Done!
  17. chrismp51

    Bear bathtub pix

    Those are awesome pics! Looks like a great tank!
  18. chrismp51


    Glad to see ya joined the site Sal. Congrats on the cat! It is deserved after so many dry stands!
  19. chrismp51


    Incredible! Great write up and pics! Congratulations
  20. chrismp51

    Grey down

    Congrats Josh. You earned that fox yesterday, that was some tough calling.
  21. chrismp51

    Badger #2 with white foot

    Congrats! That is an awesome looking badger, very unique and huge! Nice to see the field pics.
  22. chrismp51


    After trying to get one of these for most of this year, finally got the drop on one. He came in at about the 5 minute mark. I cant believe how tough they are!
  23. chrismp51


    He came into a cottontail distress call.
  24. chrismp51

    Fox Down

    Finally got a chance to break in the new Minaska. This female came in at about the 2 minute mark.
  25. chrismp51

    Early birthday present

    Great looking cat! Happy B-Day.. You need to show me this secret spot...