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John O

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Everything posted by John O

  1. John O

    7mm Mag Tikka t3 Load Data?

    I have the same rifle. For me: 154 gr SST's, COAL= 3.355", Hornady once fired brass, Remington No. 9 1/2 primers, 65.8 gr IMR 7828 SSC. Just over 0.5" group consistently. Haven't chrono'd, but should be at about 2975 f/s.
  2. John O

    recommendations for ground blind and trail cam

    Without a doubt, the best ground blind for the money is the Primos The Club XL blind. Can get them on Ebay with free shipping for $100-$120. You can comfortably fit two adults in it, and has many options for windows, screens, etc. Super easy to pop up and down, and weighs about 20 lbs. Between me and my buddy we have 3, and they have not let us down. I would say if you have the bucks get the double bull, but if not this is a very good option. Good luck!!
  3. Surprised at the amount of growth already this year. These were taken about mid-June.
  4. Kyle's work is unbelievable. Would highly recommend. He is in Oro Valley. www.craigscustomrifles.com
  5. John O


    How do you like your camera? What model do you use?
  6. John O

    150 gr core-lokt

    I have one new box of 7mm mag 150 gr core-lokt ammo for sale (20 rounds). $10. Meet in the Tucson/Marana area only.
  7. John O

    150 gr core-lokt

  8. John O

    150 gr core-lokt

    Bump with price update. I think the brass is worth more than I am asking. I'd Rather someone have these than see them sit unused on my shelf. $10
  9. John O

    A few fun ones

    I wish I could share what I have coming in, but my buddy would kill me. Someday if they are in my hands, I'll share. Here are a few more with a crop on the good stuff. Interesting to compare the body size of the last two.
  10. John O

    A few fun ones

    Lion, Pigs, Snow, Chasin' Tail, Baldy, Trophy Spike, and a Fight!!
  11. John O

    150 gr core-lokt

    Price updated.
  12. John O

    My new 6mm Creedmoor

    Curious as to why you chose 6mm instead of 6.5? Not partial to either, just wondering.
  13. John O


    Once price drop for the combo, and then I'll put them on Craigslist in a few days if there aren't any takers here. Thanks for looking.
  14. John O


  15. John O

    Tips for consistency?

    Three simple things that have worked for me, and for my son who took up archery this year. Every time (no matter what) you go through these three things in your mind, in this order- Soft hand (holding the riser) Center the pin (in the peep) Squeeze it slow (slow enough that you are not necessarily expecting the arrow to come off when it does) If your stance and anchor are good, you should shoot well with this check. Good luck!
  16. Without a doubt IMO- Kings Desert Shadow. Had does at 10 yards while sitting on a tank down in 36A, just sitting on a small stool up against a tree. Lots of good spot and stalk experience down there too. Shot my last 2 archery coues wearing it, and I continue to be a big fan.
  17. My take on this is simple. If you think you are a little under weight or under caliber for the game you are looking to shoot, go with a bonded or barnes type bullet. If you know there is plenty of energy headed down range, a bullet that might fragment more should do more damage and also have sufficient penetration. In the field, often the errors in things like the stability of your rest, weather, nerves, etc., can have much more of an effect on shot placement than whether our rifle shoots either 1/2 or 1.25 MOA. Between myself and my boys we've taken over 20 animals with a .270 using a 110 gr Barnes TTSX loaded 1 grain below minimum (including elk). I am not a hard core Barnes fan however, they just made sense for the size of my kids shooting the rifle, and they shot dang well. I am looking to shoot 154 SST's in my new 7mm mag, which is a very different bullet. There will always be many opinions, but in the end we owe it to the animals we hunt to have the highest probability of a clean kill or a reasonable recovery.
  18. I would go with the loads that came with the rifle (110 AB). They are pretty dang sweet!! I'll bet you end up back in the same place. Hard to beat for all around general purpose, and they won't demolish your hides like the SST's will.
  19. John O

    Anybody else experience this

    I have two words of advice- Cashiers Check
  20. John O

    Vowells Monday check in

    Come on Devan. Let's see some before and after photos man!! Ha ha! Maybe when I hit 195! Figure another month and I might be there. It's tough!!!! I'm missing Filibertos all the time You thought I was going to forget. You're there man, 195!! Let's see the photos.
  21. John O

    Happy Birthday Mr. Adams

    Happy Birthday, from me and Dusty(he likes to photobomb). We've have had some great times over in your neck of the woods.
  22. John O


    You work up any good javelina recipes using that grinder Lark?
  23. John O

    2014 Coues Deer Kill Distances Poll

    26 for me