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John O

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Everything posted by John O

  1. John O

    Well.........Were waiting!!!!!

    My Son and I were greatly blessed this last season. (dates are wrong in the first two photos) Jake's pig Jake's deer My deer (Yes, it has antlers. Look closely) My pig
  2. John O

    AZ Muley Country

    "I'm absolutely devastated to find that a thread entitled "Baby Boy Names" has surpassed this one in number of views. I just can't have that." Don't be surprised Muley Guy. Scott has a long standing reputation on this site, and for those of us that have our priorities straight, there is absolutely nothing more important in this universe than our families and children.
  3. So I finally got a chance to sight in my new bow, and decided to take a little drive to see if I could find a rabbit. I was fortunate enough to take this guy with my first shot at an animal at 40 yards. Hopefully this is just the beginning.
  4. John O


    I have had cottontail, but never jack rabbit. I really should try one at least once. I heard they are like eating an old rooster that tastes bad. Anyone out there had Jack?????
  5. John O


    It would have, except it burried in the dirt mound beyond the rabbit. It also was a cheap broadhead that was not COC. But yes, at 320 f/s I expect it to go through anything I hit it with.
  6. John O

    drop-away rests

    +1 on the Ripcord
  7. John O

    Wet Fly Help

    Thanks for all the great advice! I am heading out in an hour, and I will let you know how it goes.
  8. John O

    Wet Fly Help

    So I was lake fishing last week using a set up that has done well for me in the past. Between myself and my 4 kids, we caught 2 trout in 3 hours (not that great). This kid fished down the shore past us, pulling in a trout almost every time he cast. He said he was using a wet fly. Looked like he had it set up a couple feet off of a clear bobber. Does anyone have experience with lake fishing with wet flies for rainbows? If so, I would appreciate some information on technique, and how to set up the line.
  9. John O

    Wet Fly Help

  10. John O

    What camo pattern?

    +1 A little spendy, but worth the money.
  11. John O

    Any suggestions?

    Switch the Jr. deer hunt from 36a and b, to 34a. Much less illegal traffic and drugs, and plenty of deer.
  12. John O

    New Rigs??? Archery season is coming!

    Showed up at my door yesterday afternoon. 2009 Dreamseason GX, 80 lb limbs set to 75 lbs, 30 inch draw, phantom rest, PSE F35 sight, limbsaver S-coil stabilizer, PSE string stop, PSE cable guard dampener, limbsaver string and limb silencer kit, G5 3/16 peep, 7595 goldtip XT hunters, 100 grain montec G5 broadheads. Chronos at 328 f/s. I can't wait until August!!!!
  13. John O

    Bull Video saved the BIGGEST for last.

    Awesome video! May I ask what broadhead was used?
  14. John O

    Finally bought a new bow

    What is the difference between the XT hunters and the Vapors? Goldtip's website doesn't give much info.
  15. John O

    New Rigs??? Archery season is coming!

    Just ordered a 2009 Dreamseason GX. PSE F-35 sight, phantom rest, 3/16 G5 peep, trophy ridge 2 piece 5 arrow quiver, limbsaver stalilizer and dampeners. 80 lb limbs, set to 75 lbs, and 30 inch draw. I will post photos when it arrives. I can't wait!!!
  16. John O

    Baby boy names

    Way to get one past the goalkeeper Scott!! Our first son Jake took us about a half an hour to settle on. We couldn't agree on Ryan until on the way to have him delivered. To me, Ryan was that dorky kid in elementary school that sat in the front seat of the bus, hunched down picking his nose every day. As you know, Ryan now is one of a kind. Just some advice- if you wait until you are on the way to have him delivered, your wife will win the name debate. For us we wanted simple names, and broke from most of the rest of our family that felt is was their obligation to find some 5th great grandparents cousins uncle to name thier kids after. I'll tell you, that having a boy is AWESOME, and you will love it.
  17. John O

    Blazer vane question

    I use Arizona E-Z fletch for my 2" blazers, with the 4 degree offset, and they fly awesome to 70 yards.
  18. John O

    PSE Firestorm Lite, Sold

    Sold, pending funds
  19. John O

    PSE Firestorm Lite, Sold

    For Sale- PSE Firestorm Lite This bow has been used for one season and is in great shape. Comes with PSE two piece 4 arrow quiver, ripcord rest, Tru-Glo 5 pin sight, limbsaver stabilizer, limb dampeners, 1/4 "peep, and string silencers. The bow is currently set to 29" draw length, at 70 lbs, with pins at 20, 30, 40, 50, and 65 yards. With a 291 grain arrow, it chronos at 279 f/s. Very light, and forgiving for its small size. I am selling it because I am wanting to upgrade to a speed bow. Price- $300 (no trades please) PM me if you have any questions.
  20. John O

    PSE Firestorm Lite, Sold

    It's adjustable from 26"-30". This link will take you to PSE, and shows all the specs: http://tune.pse-archery.com/BowDetail.aspx...mp;Model=0709NH You might call PSE and see if they can work up mods for a shorter draw. I know they have done that for others in the past. Thanks for looking!!
  21. John O

    PSE Firestorm Lite, Sold

    If anyone is interested in the bare bow, I will sell it for $200 (including a hard case).
  22. John O

    PSE BOW MADNESS MC BOW 2009 RH 27-30" 70LBS

    If you are having a hard time selling it here, list it on ArcheryTalk, and you will get more interest. If you listed for around $500 and included shipping, you might get some nibbles.
  23. I have been thinking about this question, after taking up archery last year. Just thought it might be some good discussion during the "slow"season here on CWT.
  24. John O

    2X2 or 90 incher

    So I guess I could chime in here. My first coues was a 90 incher with a rifle, my second was a small 2 pointer with a rifle, and my third was a spike with a bow (spot and stalk). I was fortunate to accomplish this my first 3 years deer hunting. I can say whatever here, but think in reality it would be hard to pass on anything with antlers with a bow. Maybe as I hunt more years, I will change my mind. With a rifle, I would like to think I would hold out for a 70-90 inch buck, but once again, when a lesser opportunity presents itself we will see. I have a hard time going home with nothing but tag soup. I will have to say that there are few things I have found as exciting as a successful archery spot and stalk on a whitetail buck.
  25. John O

    Arrow help.

    +1 on the goldtip xt hunters. They are the toughest arrows I have used.