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About Zach

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  1. Zach


    Looking for H4350 and H1000 or Retumbo
  2. Zach

    Weimaraner for sale!

    Do you have a problem still? I would rather keep the dog than her go to some idiotic asshole like you. Why dont you stop being a keyboard warrior and move on or are you so bad butt you have to keep talking shoot on here. If you dont like couesewhitetail.com why dont you leave? Most people dont post here because assholes like you. As far as this site being for “wannabes” what the heck do you know about hunting that makes you so special because im sure most guys on here including myself know more than you do and you are making accusations based off shoot you dont know. You are pathetic having to talk shoot on a post. I hope no one has to deal with any idiots like you on here in their posts.
  3. Zach

    Weimaraner for sale!

    Change of plans im just going to end up keeping her.
  4. Zach

    Weimaraner for sale!

    How do you spell it then Bob? If you knew how to read you would see it clearly says text me for pictures. You are over there calling me a bully yet you are bad mouthing everyone that calls you out on your wrong. Whats your problem. You don’t have anything better to do than be a keyboard warrior?
  5. Zach

    Weimaraner for sale!

    You are practically calling me a thief and im the bully? If you didn’t want the dog you could have kept on scrolling instead of basically accusing me of stealing a dog or being a bad person. Didn’t you ever learn not to judge a book by it’s cover?
  6. Zach

    Weimaraner for sale!

    How do you spell it then??
  7. Zach

    Weimaraner for sale!

    A gun isn’t something you buy and sell after a month either yet people do it all the time. Whats your problem?
  8. Zach

    Weimaraner for sale!

    Im pretty positive i bought the dog. If i was trying to make money on her i wouldn’t be offering her for less than she is worth and less than i paid for her.
  9. Zach

    Weimaraner for sale!

    Never said i had her for four months. I got her at 10 weeks old and she is barely turning 4 months.
  10. Zach

    Weimaraner for sale!

    Weimaraner for sale. She turns 4 months on the 27th. She has her first set of shots.i paid $900 for her $700 obo text me for pictures (928) 961-2415
  11. Zach

    Pack mules

    I have until Tuesday off if anyone needs something packed out!
  12. Zach

    Pack mules

    Im located in globe but travel almost every where around Az. Im available almost all the time and if you let me know in advance I can get the day you need free! If you have any further questions call or text.
  13. Zach

    Pack mules

    If anyone needs anything packed out give me a call my number is 928-812-3480