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Everything posted by broadhead

  1. broadhead

    WTB Imperial Dry Neck Lube

    Literally laughed out loud. Almost woke up my kid. Wife gave me the look. Thanks guys looks like I've got it lined up.
  2. broadhead


    In Tucson the Ace Hardware on Houghton and Valencia has a few too. Around $35/lb if I remember correctly.
  3. I recently had a situation came up and was chatting with a few guys on another forum but I wanted to post a more specific question on here in the hopes of learning some more. The situation is I went to measure the overall cartridge length and base to ogive on my 6.5 PRC with the intent of working up a few good hunting loads. I used the Hornady overall cartridge length gauge and to my surprise after multiple, multiple repeated measurements I found out the throat is shorter than the maximum SAAMI spec range. The SAAMI range for the cartridge is 2.755" - 2.955" and my rifle measures pretty much in the middle of that range at 2.865. I'm pretty new to reloading and up to this point have only loaded rounds that basically match the factory cartridge length but I was mistakenly believed most chambers were cut to close to but a little larger than the SAAMI max to accommodate the majority of factory ammo available. The bolt is a little stiff even on an empty chamber and I've only noticed a little bit of a heavy bolt lift from time to time which tended to happen in the heat of summer so I didn't think too much about it. I'm reconsidering now. I'm pretty unsure of how to go forward from here. Tomorrow morning I'm going to chamber a factory cartridge with the ogive sharpied into the chamber to try to get a little better idea of exactly where it contacts a loaded round. Do I look at getting the throat lengthened? For a factory barrel is it pretty common to accept that some factory rounds will seat into the lands? Anyone that can share some insight here would be greatly appreciated. I have considered starting over with minimum charges and seating the bullets deeper to seat them off the lands but based on my throat that would be pretty deep and I'm concerned that might increase pressure already. Thanks everyone.
  4. There are worse problems to have. Definitely going to start implementing the C4 and some different cleaning procedures after this but the up side is I learned something new. The C4 will be here tomorrow and the rest of the stuff in a few days so I'll get to work on it little by little as time permits. Fortunately being home a lot for awhile affords me the opportunity to chip away at it.
  5. Hopefully powders and reloading supplies are getting restocked. I went up to my Ace Hardware to grab a shell holder and sure enough there was some H-1000, Varget, IMR 4064 among others as well as plenty of primers. Good to see they're getting it back out after all the panic hoarding. I picked up one each of what I needed and naturally forgot the shell holder. My excuse to go back and use my other 10% off coupon! Good luck, hope everyone is starting to get what they need.
  6. Yeah so I think you guys are dead on. This was a new one to me but after doing some more research it seems like the culprit is a carbon ring. all the symptoms fit as does the explanation why it developed over time. I went ahead and ordered some JB bore past and Kroil with a FVG adaptar and some cleaning pellets off Brownel's which is supposed to do a good job with that problem. Thanks for the input and I'll update with the results once I get the items in. Hopefully it will help someone else too.
  7. Neither would I. But here's what happened. The pics show a factory round colored from just below the tip to just above the case and it's clear to see what happened to it once it went in. The pics are from different sides of the bullet. You can see in the first pic where the bullet was contacted significantly more along the length than the other sides were. The undeniable indicator that something is off is when I tried to lift the bolt and extract the round it was stuck. Like, STUCK. Actually worried me for a second until after enough force it lifted and ejected the round. This happened in a factory rifle that has about 350 rounds through it with no issues before. I took out the bolt, visually inspected the chamber and barrel, cleaned the lug recess and mopped the chamber. No obstructions from what I could see and no excess build up of any kind anywhere. Followed it up with a few patched down the barrel and a bore snake. The bolt closes on an empty chamber as usual. Talked to the manufacturer and I'm sending it back but before I do that I want to make sure there's nothing else I can do on my end that would fix this. I need someone smarter than me about guns to see if they can diagnose what is going on. Thanks!
  8. Looking to get a 6.5 PRC and a .243 Winchester fired casing drilled and tapped for a COAL gauge. If anyone is able to do that please contact me and what you think you would want for a job like and we can go from there. Thanks.
  9. broadhead

    Can anyone drill and tap a couple casings for me?

    The Hornady works alright but I'm making some changes to my loads and wanted to have a piece of brass that was fired in my chamber.
  10. Couldn't believe it yesterday when my Form 4 came back approved after only 135 days from cashed to approved. Still took another month to get back to the dealer but that was a heck of a lot sooner than I was expecting. Especially since I had another one that was pending since July 3rd and just found out was approved April 6th (278 days which is only a little longer than reported average lately). Anyone else submit one that's come back earlier than expected lately? Not holding my breath but that would definitely be a trend in the right direction.
  11. broadhead

    Anyone have a Form 4 come back sooner than expected?

    Cool I'll follow up with you when it arrives then. Hopefully any day now.
  12. broadhead

    More Wisc. Humor

    Another classic.
  13. broadhead

    Anyone have a Form 4 come back sooner than expected?

    Of course it does. My Form 4 was approved! Should be in the mail to Arizona soon if it’s not already.
  14. broadhead

    Anyone have a Form 4 come back sooner than expected?

    We need to talk about that. That’s a question that I’ve been researching. Why don’t we discuss it when you call me after you receive my approved Form 4? The one I mentioned in the OP that was approved on the 6th was the one you sold me!
  15. broadhead

    Anyone have a Form 4 come back sooner than expected?

    Wow that's amazing. I don't know if it's a coincidence but the owner at the gun store who handles all NFA items told me since November 19 they've been coming back a lot faster while the ones that were before November are still taking a long time.
  16. broadhead

    More Wisc. Humor

    My hometown... Never disappoints, 'en so?
  17. broadhead

    New Mexico draw results

    They tend to actually come out earlier than they list in the regs. Now each morning I'm hoping to wake up to the email that the results are posted.
  18. broadhead

    New Mexico draw results

    Good luck everyone!
  19. broadhead

    SOLD Please Delete

    Sale Pending
  20. broadhead

    When do you predator hunt?

    I thought I would revive this thread. I was searching for which seasons to hunt coyotes here in southern Arizona and got some good answers just by reading this thread. Just wondering how you guys change up your calling tactics at different times during various seasons, if at all. Thanks.
  21. Nicely done. My scope and rings are ordered for my old model 70 that I'm getting back into action for coyotes and some long range steel shooting. Do you have a favorite electronic call?
  22. broadhead

    Land Owner Compact Question

    Thanks. I think what I will do is check out the area itself and find out if there are any specific entry points or otherwise restricted access. I know there is a sign in like you described but I'm not sure if there is only one specified access point the ranch owner wants people to use or more importantly if there are parts of the ranch I should avoid.
  23. Hello everyone Like many of us lucky covid-quarantined individuals I'm doing some pre-application scouting. Can someone fill me in on how the access points to the ranches that participate in the Land Owner Compact work? I understand the rules about requesting access with AZGFD to each ranch and signing in to each ranch you access but is the access limited to specific gates or entry points? Each area I want to scout is at least an hour drive away and I'd like to narrow it down as much as possible before taking off. Any help is appreciated. Thanks guys.