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About broadhead

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday August 25

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    Corona deTucson

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  1. broadhead


  2. broadhead

    HK VP9 OR with trijicon RMR

    I have this exact pistol setup. Killer pistol and optic for sure. Someone buy this.
  3. WTS: 1 x 500 count Berger 140 Hybrids $300 3 x 100 count 140 Hybrids $70/each or $200 for all three 3 x 50 count new 6.5 PRC ADG brass $80/each or $220 for all three. All prices TYD
  4. broadhead


    I’ll also take 2
  5. I’m probably passing through Las Cruces in the next couple weeks. If you decide to sell the 210Ms I would buy, depending on how many you have. PM if interested.
  6. broadhead

    NIB Trailcams

    I’ll take the two stroke force cams. Where are you located?
  7. broadhead

    Liberty Colonial D-23 Safe $1300

    One last try. Gets loaded up in a couple weeks.
  8. broadhead

    Got my euro mount back. Buck had cancer.

    From what was described to me, there was an abnormal tissue clump growing in that spot causing the deformities. I supppse without an actual biopsy of the tissue it is almost impossible to tell if the tissue was cancerous, but it was certainly some unusual growth spreading up there. Weird.
  9. broadhead

    Got my euro mount back. Buck had cancer.

    Definitely. Just took a closer look from underneath. The tumor was already growing up further into the jaw as evidenced by a very observable hole up there, and the last front tooth was already on its way to being next.
  10. broadhead

    Got my euro mount back. Buck had cancer.

    Obviously no tissue left on the mount, but visible in the photo is where the tumor had been, and the impact on the jaw is pretty obvious. The other side of the jaw and the lower was perfect. The taxidermist has a guy who cleans up his skulls for him and was telling me how he described the tumor to him. From how it was described, I wouldn't be surprised if the deer was already experiencing pain. He was healthy when I shot him so I'm guessing there was no trouble eating yet but I bet it wasn't far away.
  11. Got a bit of a surprise when I walked into the taxidermist’s shop to pick up my euro mount today. Turns out the buck had cancer in his upper jaw to the point where it had already significantly impacted his teeth on the right side. I was already glad my shot put him down instantly, but was even happier when I learned about that. There’s no doubt he would have eventually suffered a slow, miserable end had that cancer kept growing. I had never heard about anything like that before. Anyone else ever see that?
  12. broadhead

    Big Agnes Skeeter SL 20 Sleeping Bag, Tall

    This one does not have that sleeve.
  13. broadhead

    Wtt h 4350 and rl16

    Somebody take him up on that