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Everything posted by BHE

  1. BHE

    Ltb leupold vx3

    PM sent
  2. BHE


  3. Im looking into getting a higher powered scope for coues hunting. Nothing crazy expensive. What are you guys running?
  4. Vortex Kaibab HD 18 x 56 Glass is perfect. Some wear on the armor. Outdoorsman stud installed $450
  5. BHE

    Vortex Kaibab HD 18x56 SOLD

    Pm sent to Levers
  6. BHE

    Vortex Kaibab HD 18x56 SOLD

    Ok where do you live
  7. Id like to stay around 1k maybe a little more if its worth it.
  8. BHE


    Where can I pick them up
  9. BHE


    Yup missed that part
  10. BHE


    https://www.azgfd.com/all-arizona-hunting-fishing-license-sales-going-online-jan-1/ Guess you didnt see this.
  11. BHE

    Tag Donation

    Outdoor Experience for All Call Eddy Corona 480-529-8340 he can walk you through it and get the tag to a child with life threatening illness or a wounded warrior.
  12. BHE

    Vortex razor spotter

  13. BHE

    PMC XTAC 5.56

  14. BHE


    Pm sent
  15. BHE

    WTB Swarovski 15x56

    They are not the HDs
  16. BHE

    WTB Swarovski 15x56

    My buddy has a pair in pristine shape hes selling for $1600 let me know if youre interested and Ill get you his number.