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About johns

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  1. johns

    [FOUND] Tract Toric 10x42 binos

    I have a pair. Sent you a pm.
  2. johns


    I have a #1a Light Sporter in 7x57 that I could sell. Let me know if you are interested.
  3. Magnetospeed Sporter $125 Prochrono Pal $60 Both chronograph are in great shape and work fine. I am in Phoenix near 44th St & Greenway.
  4. johns

    Wanted: LA stock (Remington 700 or Win 70)

    I have a McMillan Edge and a Greyboe Outlander. Both are for Remington 700 long action BDL. If you are interested, I can send some pictures.
  5. johns

    Looking for Remington 700 LA stock

    I have a Mcmillan Edge and a Grayboe Outlander. Both are for Remington 700 long action BDL. The McMillan is black with grey speckles and the Grayboe is desent camo. Let me know if you are interested and I can send you pictures. John
  6. johns

    WTB Ruger M77 Hawkeye Compact

    Here is the Ruger Ultralight 243 I messaged you about.
  7. johns

    WTB Ruger M77 Hawkeye Compact

    Sent you a message