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About Trevvamos

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  1. Trevvamos

    Colorado unit 70

    AZ elk draw wasn’t kind to me this year, picked up a leftover archery elk tag for 70. Anybody spend anytime in the unit?
  2. Trevvamos

    G&F Proposed Rule Changes

    Soy is proven to increase estrogen among men who consume it. Steer clear
  3. Trevvamos

    G&F Proposed Rule Changes

    Cuz women and soyboysWhats a soyboy?
  4. Trevvamos

    Avoiding cactus

    That's the problem I have as well, I have a hard headed lab, he isn't even bothered by it.
  5. Just got back from my first quail hunt in AZ ,great time, really got into the Gambels. however I just spent the last two hours picking out cholla from my poor dog. Any tips how to avoid this?
  6. Trevvamos

    7E Bull

    Nice bull! Were you by any chance in a driving in a blue Tacoma?
  7. Trevvamos

    7E archery cow tag

    7e has been slim pickings, hoofed it over 30 miles the last few days, seen zero elk. No bugles to speak of either. Curious if anybody has had any success in the unit yet?