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About newazhunter

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    Queen Creek, AZ

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  1. newazhunter


    I bought the wrong ammo and lost the receipt. Paid $30 per box. Will trade for .270 WSM ammo 150 grain or less as well. Anyone need these boxes? I am located in Queen Creek, AZ.
  2. I'm in Queen Creek.
  3. Gotcha. It says "WSM only" on it. Not sure why I didn't look on the barrel before buying ammo. Well, I guess I have some 2 boxes of 130 grain WIN ammo to sell now. 🙂
  4. Hello, I have a dumb question for you all. My dad gave me his .270 Browning Medallion rifle and I bought the standard .270 WIN ammo. However, these rounds don't seem to fit in the magazine. The magazine says wsm. Will this rifle only fit the WSM rounds in the magazine? Thanks
  5. newazhunter

    Looking for 20 gauge Shotgun

    Thanks. I think I need a 20 gauge for him, since he's only every shot a .22 rifle. He's 6'2", but not much meat on him yet.
  6. newazhunter

    Looking for 20 gauge Shotgun

    Looking to get a 20 gauge shotgun for my son. We have an upcoming turkey hunt in May. Prefer Remington 870 but open to other options. Does anyone have any currently for sale?
  7. Thank you for the reply. Much appreciated!
  8. I don't have extra funds for a tripod system, but am wondering if any of the tripods I see on Offerup and such (used for $20-$50) would work with Nikon Monarchs once I buy the adapter. I realize some of these may be heavy, but that isn't a big deal. Here are some examples of ones I am interested in. Will these all work? https://www.amazon.com/UBeesize-Lightweight-Universal-Smartphone-Bluetooth/dp/B07H55DHZF/ref=sr_1_21_sspa?keywords=tripod+hunting&qid=1571948768&sr=8-21-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFYQTAyTU1WQ0ZDSEMmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA0MjMzNjkyTFE5RzRTWTBNRDVWJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA4NTI5ODM1SEc2OUQxRFdZSDgmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl https://offerup.com/item/detail/769848443/ https://offerup.com/item/detail/768766200/
  9. newazhunter

    Didn't get picked for leftover tag...

    I just can't believe that many sent their apps on that Friday as well. This has always been a pretty easy tag to get for leftover. I am trying to build up my bonus points for a more coveted hunt in the future, and was just going to get a leftover tag every year.
  10. My buddy and I sent our applications for Unit 29 leftover tag on the Friday before they were being accepted last Monday and didn't get drawn. They were only accepting apps by US mail from what I understand. There were 44 leftover tags and neither of us was drawn. Unit 29 leftover tag hasn't really been too sought after in the past. Is there any way our apps were sent to early on the Friday and wasn't considered? Just in shock that 44 people or more sent their apps in on Friday or Saturday as well.
  11. newazhunter

    Best way to preserve Velvet - DIY taxidermy

    I must have received some bad info. Thanks for the info.
  12. newazhunter

    Best way to preserve Velvet - DIY taxidermy

    I hear the cost is $1000 or so to get the preservation done by taxidermist. Is this accurate?
  13. My buddy has a hunt coming up next month where he has a good chance of getting a mulie in velvet. Is the best way to preserve the velvet to use formaldeyde (spelling) and inject into antler veins? Any thoughts? Thanks
  14. newazhunter

    Who loves the wind?

    Saturday was terribly windy in 5A. Couldn't hear anything, let alone a turkey responding to calls. Yesterday morning heard nothing. No gobbles at all. Got to hunting area at 5:20am and hunted until 10:30. Tried at least 5 different spots within about a 10 mile radius. Very dry. Where did the turkeys go? I had the same exact hunt last year and they were gobbling all morning.