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About FourthHorseman

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    Gilbert, Arizona

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  1. FourthHorseman

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    I remember them saying that when Bush was in office. Here we are 16+ years later and still waiting. Approvals are taking days or weeks now. There isn't a better time to buy one. The tax stamp sucks but if you can't afford the 200 dollar tax stamp than you probably shouldn't be spending the money on the suppressor either.
  2. FourthHorseman

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    100% worth it in my opinion. Get a hub compatible suppressor but I would just use direct thread for now. You can figure out which qd mount you want later. It really tamed my 300rum and 308 subs will make you giggle like a school girl. This is my buddy shooting subs out of my 308 at 200 yards listen to the bullet ricochet. https://imgur.com/a/9M7JPqn
  3. I understand it is a long shot that someone has one and is willing to sell it but I am looking for a Leupold Mark 4 with their 300 blackout reticle. They only sold them for a couple years and don't offer it anymore but I would like to put one on a gun I just built for my kids. Thank you in advance.
  4. FourthHorseman

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    Hope you don't like hunting deer if you want lion hunting with dogs banned!
  5. FourthHorseman

    Question about Howa 1500

    They are good rifles in my opinion.
  6. FourthHorseman


    I got mine at Bass Pro. Not used but they get them every once in a while.
  7. FourthHorseman

    Trijicon RMR Type 2 Reflex Red Dot Sight $250

    Are you willing to ship?
  8. FourthHorseman

    28 New Throwing Axes, Hatchets, Tomahawks - SOLD

    I will take seconds if deal falls through.
  9. FourthHorseman

    Serbu RN-50 Like New

    "Put a thumb in it!" Extra points if you get the reference. Cool gun. If I didn't have one already I would pick it up. GLWS
  10. FourthHorseman

    Marlin 336W 30-30 FS

    Seconds if first falls through
  11. FourthHorseman

    Leupold scope vari x 3 6.5x 20 50mm

    Post this in the classified section and you will get more traction.
  12. FourthHorseman

    R700 triggers 3

    I will take the TT with safety and bolt release. Pm sent
  13. FourthHorseman

    Proof 6.5cm prefit and outdoorsman chassis

    Interested in chassis. PM sent.
  14. FourthHorseman

    Brake/Suppressor Thread's

    I Rocksett my qd muzzle devises to my rifles since Loctite will burn off. I use YHM qd devices so no need for anything on the qd threads. I've never had an issue with a suppressor coming loose. The only direct thread suppressor I will have is for my 8.6 but that suppressor is in jail still so no personal experience with direct thread.