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Everything posted by hvyhlr

  1. hvyhlr

    Delete please

  2. hvyhlr

    Delete please

  3. hvyhlr

    Docter 15x60

    Can these be set up to use an outdoorsmans post and stud?
  4. hvyhlr

    Delete please

  5. Remington 700 7mm mag Excellent condition $600obo or trade for binos and I'll add cash on my end Queen Creek
  6. hvyhlr

    Delete please

  7. hvyhlr

    Delete please

  8. hvyhlr

    Delete please

    Razors sold
  9. hvyhlr

    Delete please

    Located in queen creek
  10. hvyhlr

    Delete please

    Price drop or trade
  11. hvyhlr

    Delete please

  12. hvyhlr

    Docter 15x60

    Thank you
  13. hvyhlr

    Vintage fishing gear

    Vintage fishing gear Over 100 lures in tackle boxes Wanting to sell as a package. 550obo
  14. hvyhlr

    Vintage fishing gear

    These were all my grandpas and most are new in the box
  15. hvyhlr

    Easton 4mm FMJ 280 spline arrows

    20 arrows 29 5/8 end of outsert to end of the nock
  16. hvyhlr


    Located in queen creek and work across town
  17. hvyhlr


    29.5 in
  18. hvyhlr

    WTB 10x42

    Looking to buy a good set of 10x42 binos
  19. hvyhlr

    WTB 10x42

    Under 1k
  20. hvyhlr

    Badlands bino harness

    Badlands magnetic bino harness $75obo
  21. hvyhlr

    Badlands bino harness

    I like them just going to get a set of 15s