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Everything posted by Markleo21377

  1. Markleo21377

    Unit 10 Deer-Youth hunt Oct 1-10

    Lkiny, Unit 10 has great mule deer. If I understand correctly this is for the youth hunt. Plenty of good deer with a ton of ground including the big Bo. Those youth hunts are pretty special and the timing of that one will put you in lots of elk rutting action as well. Good luck!
  2. Great story and we all felt like we were there!! Thanks for sharing!
  3. Markleo21377

    Great ethics to teach the kids, NOT

    Sneaker, You nailed it! It is public land so it is always good to have plan A-Z. Disheartening for sure when you have your mind set on a spot but taking the high road is always best. We can’t control others actions but we sure as heck can control our own. It’s supposed to be a hobby, like you said wish them well and if we’ve done our homework it shouldn’t be the end of the world!
  4. Markleo21377

    19A 2021 General Antelope tag

    I am helping on 2nd archery and muzzleloader hunts, so I’ll be able to provide you some info. If your going alone and want another set of eyes I’m available on the opener to assist. Sincerely,Mark
  5. Markleo21377

    Just hanging a stand

    Assuming that’s a ladder stand leg behind you I would say: 18” beams 2” g1 12” g2 4” g3 5” g3 give him 24” inside spread and 13” mass each side puts him at 132” . I feel that’s conservative with one pic so I say 138”
  6. Markleo21377

    Fu*&^%ing ethics

    Wait a minute….I thought all of us hunters were ruthless barbarians😂!!! I would have made the same choice because regardless of the population objective we still have compassion and sympathy when we experience suffering, human or animal. This is the ultimate display of ethics!!!! No one looking, you legally could have turned a blind eye…but you didn’t, couldn’t. This is a story from the forum I will proudly share with my son! Well done amigo! sincerely, Mark
  7. Markleo21377

    Good News

    Can’t wait to hear about your trip and hope to chat with you when you get back. I have a dall sheep hunt in the Alaskan Range next August. Be safe, Mark
  8. Markleo21377

    Good News

    https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdvJtTuX/ Humor sometimes helps…this made me laugh
  9. Markleo21377

    Packable rain gear?

    Shawn, Depends if you are trying to use absolutely the lightest gear for packing. I have Kuiu Katana which is around 18 ounces and Kuiu just came out with Chugach TR at 14 ounces. Personally, the Chugach felt a little too thin for my liking and will give my Katana a good test in Alaska next August on a Dall Sheep hunt. Both are extremely breathable and built great like all Kuiu gear. Take care, Mark
  10. Markleo21377


    Jeff, 11 points. I will be sure to report back!
  11. Markleo21377

    Who is hunting where?

    Unit 8 late rifle bull for my 11 year old as well as 36a Dec coues. December 3a/3c mule deer for me.
  12. Markleo21377


    3a/3c December hunt
  13. Markleo21377


    AZ Troutman, I think we get hung up on #'s. If we actually saw all the bucks that come off the strip and Kaibab, there are plenty that are far less than trophy status by the numbers game. The reality of unit 3a/3c is it has plenty of mature animals of trophy status. Age class is there just need to have the patience to sift through them or you shoot the buck that you are happy to hang your tag on because that is what really matters. I am stoked to have the December hunt and like most guys will be working my butt of to shoot a buck of a lifetime. At the end of the day we are super blessed to have the opportunity to hunt such a great state! Respectfully, Mark
  14. Markleo21377


    Now you do!!! 🙌🙌
  15. Markleo21377


    👍 Patience is a virtue 🤯🤣
  16. Markleo21377


    I don't know if that's true...1 point is just over 1% draw odds for October.... hopefully know this week yet
  17. Markleo21377


    My 11 year old with 1 point for October hunt or me with 11 points for December hunt???? Now that's a tough one to speculate on...we shall see!
  18. Markleo21377

    Unit 8 early archery bull

    Stanley, I have a 11 year old boy and 12 year old girl with late bull tags as well. Some of my favorite spots are on 🔥🔥. I was just up there scouting 2 weeks ago and getting pretty excited. Let's pray for rain and we'll reassess when things settle down 😕
  19. Markleo21377

    Unit 8 early archery bull

    Congratulations to your wife on a great tag. Unfortunately, right now we have a large fire burning the east side of unit 8 along Sycamore Canyon pushing north and east. The damage is yet to be determined, but currently over 20K acres burned. Elk are found in healthy numbers throughout the unit including the wilderness during September. Canyons are where bulls grow and hide late but become vulnerable during the rut moving to the cows in easier terrain. For the rut I typically locate waters getting hammered by cows and the bulls will show when it's time. Good luck!
  20. Markleo21377

    Wyoming Draw

    Buck and doe for me and my buddy 🙌
  21. Markleo21377

    Max's Kansas Turkey Hunt

    Flew back to Kansas for a few days to do some work on the farm, set some stands, minerals, cameras, and the highlight of our spring............. Turkey hunting! Incredible as usual and Max bagged his biggest bird to date with an 11" beard. Sorry about the photo fails....ggrr.
  22. Markleo21377

    Max's Kansas Turkey Hunt

    I appreciate that advice....now I just need to remember it 😊
  23. Markleo21377

    Max's Kansas Turkey Hunt

    Excellent 👌 can't think of a better way to spend time with our kiddos
  24. Markleo21377

    Max's Kansas Turkey Hunt

    We are northeast of Manhattan about an hour so pure eastern.
  25. Markleo21377

    Covid, whos had it and how are you recovering?

    Fellow outdoorsmen/women, I would first like to express my condolences to any who may have lost someone to this virus and for those that continue to deal with challenges from it. I pray for your endurance and speedy recovery. Despite all the varied opinions on best prevention, rights, and other nonsense the one thing that is certain is this has taken its toll physically, psychologically, and emotionally on people especially our young ones and elderly. We can't control alot of things but what we all can do is treat each other with dignity and respect. We never know what it took for that other person just to get out of bed each day. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Let go of old grudges. Tell our family everyday that we love them. Teach our kids to do good deeds for our elderly community. Be humble enough to allow ourselves to be wronged for the sake of peace. Stay safe and shoot straight, Mark