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Everything posted by Markleo21377

  1. Markleo21377

    Senior's unit 8 late rifle bull elk hunt

    I haven't posted that hunt yet. I'll try to get it up this weekend. Had a great archery hunt in 19a and shot a real nice one
  2. Markleo21377

    Senior's unit 8 late rifle bull elk hunt

    I probably forgot... between my antelope and elk hunt I was running on empty😂
  3. Markleo21377

    Senior's unit 8 late rifle bull elk hunt

    Yup, snow made it look beautiful and inviting 😂
  4. Markleo21377

    22 south muzzleloader elk

    Thanks for the comments! I feel like often pursuit of big game and often older age class animals becomes so competitive that we lose sight of why we hunt and the impact of our actions and examples. I lost 2 trail cameras on this hunt, both in lock boxes and it troubles me to share the woods with such individuals but what can you do. I guess, never miss an opportunity to do good and teach, especially young people and new hunters.
  5. Markleo21377

    22 south muzzleloader elk

    Thank you all!! My pops from Michigan finally drew a unit 8 late bull tag and we had an incredible hunt. His first elk hunt ever. I'll post soon.
  6. Markleo21377

    Upcoming elk draw-6b,6a,or 8?

    I agree with the comments above but let me know if you decide to put in for 6a. I should be up there this year helping or hunting. Just need to know where big boys go when pressure starts. Here's a bull in there I put a friend from New York on in archery season and he missed at 38 yards. He's currently in therapy 😂