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Everything posted by Jesushunt

  1. Jesushunt

    Bartlett or Pleasant

    Bartlett was good today !! my 4 year old daughter was catching on drop shot with roboworms
  2. Jesushunt

    Monsoon Pics

    7th ave and Figsprins rd in new river
  3. Jesushunt

    Monsoon Pics

  4. Jesushunt

    Bartlett lake

    Just left it’s kinda low but plenty of fish nothing real big but fun to catch them
  5. Jesushunt

    2021 Card Hits?

    Due to the COVID And the record of new applications the draw be until July 30th
  6. Jesushunt

    Hyperinflation is coming...

    It’s that lady with the Cooper mine?
  7. Jesushunt

    Saddle Donkeys

    My neighbor got few from Florence jail they are ok size and she ride them everywhere and they are trained to pull a cart I believe she say they are less then $500 each already trained
  8. Jesushunt

    looking to buy 4000watt generator

    I have a Honda EG 5000X for $450
  9. Jesushunt

    Bumper hitch vs 5th Wheel

    I have a b&w hitch on my truck and I love it I can use the gooseneck or 5th wheel really ease or just my bed because the ball it’s a turn over
  10. Jesushunt

    Onan 4000 generator

    Ok thx for the help guys I will get a new pump and and go from that
  11. Jesushunt

    Onan 4000 generator

    Any buddy do a Rv work here I’m looking to fix my generator on my rv it have a. Code 13 and I can’t get it to run for more then 4 minutes I’m at new river
  12. Jesushunt

    Onan 4000 generator

  13. Jesushunt

    Onan 4000 generator

    Thx I will try that when I get home
  14. Jesushunt

    Onan 4000 generator

    Ok I got a update I ended up putting a new carburetor new spark plug new air filter fuel filter it will run fine for over a hour until I try to run the ac... it will run for like 5 minutes and turn off now the same code come back up the 13 code
  15. Jesushunt

    Onan 4000 generator

    It was working perfect in January and last month and today I have that issue it’s a pain but I will check the fuel line tomorrow and see... thx guys for the info
  16. Jesushunt

    Tick Tock

    Good luck with Biden !!!
  17. Jesushunt

    Close Encounter of the First Kind

    Poor guy got scared so bad he lost his hair
  18. Jesushunt

    Looking for 14’ trailer tandem axle/brakes.

    It’s cheaper to buy new at deer valley trailers I buy a 16ft and I think I pay 2100 cash but that was 2017
  19. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/23/helicopter-pilot-finds-strange-monolith-in-remote-part-of-utah
  20. Jesushunt

    6a goat

    This was few weeks ago
  21. Jesushunt

    loosing another Bashas

    Best bacon ever and red Chile burritos
  22. Jesushunt

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Silver bullets?