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Everything posted by hmdOrr

  1. hmdOrr

    Swarovski 15x56 HD - $1900

    Tempe, AZ
  2. hmdOrr

    Swarovski 15x56 HD - $1900

    I don’t follow
  3. hmdOrr

    Swarovski 15x56 HD - $1900

    Still available.
  4. hmdOrr

    Swarovski 15x56 HD - $1900

  5. hmdOrr

    Swarovski 15x56 HD - $1900

    Bump bump
  6. Looking for Swaro 12s. If not, I’ll just sell the 15s after the season.
  7. hmdOrr

    WTT Swaro 15s HD for 12x50 + cash

  8. hmdOrr

    Wine barrel fire pits

    No clue whether its allowed, but man those look cool. My house is a money pit right now. Otherwise, I'd take one. Bump for a sweet looking gift.
  9. hmdOrr

    WTB rain gear

    Shoot me a pm with pictures, size, and price you’re looking to get. Maybe we can have it sold before you need to post it
  10. hmdOrr

    WTB rain gear

    Size Large. Seeing if anyone has a used set of jacket + pants they are looking to get rid of before I buy new.
  11. hmdOrr

    Fire Dept. $2000 bow package raffle

    Paypal sent. Just do me a favor and get me one of those winning tickets; please and thank you.
  12. I have no use for it, but that is a beautiful piece of furniture.
  13. hmdOrr

    Pistol grip + panner

    Everything is sold. Thanks
  14. hmdOrr

    Pistol grip + panner

    3.) Outdoorsman pistol grip + panner. $250 Located in Tempe, AZ. I'll be up in the Flag this weekend for someone's graduation and I'm in the NWV once a week (typically).