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Everything posted by Baboltin

  1. Baboltin

    Swarovski 10x42 question + vortex 15x50

    I agree with this fully and have witnessed the difference in glass between my Swarovski spotter and vortex and will continue to slowly but surely upgrade to what I consider the best glass on the market and that’s why I made the choice to try and upgrade this year from my vortex to Swarovski binos.
  2. Baboltin

    Swarovski 10x42 question + vortex 15x50

    I agree that’s why every year I normally pick one item and upgrade it.
  3. Baboltin

    Swarovski 10x42 question + vortex 15x50

    That is very true, that’s why I I’ll run with the gear I have while I save but at least after posting this I have a idea of what to save for.
  4. Baboltin

    wtt 95mm swarovski for 65mm

    What type of rifles are you interested in trading it for ?
  5. Baboltin

    Swarovski 10x42 question + vortex 15x50

    Yeah I rifle hunt as of right now. Probably in the future will get back into archery hunting .
  6. Baboltin

    Swarovski 10x42 question + vortex 15x50

    I think I have decided to go with the 12x50 on my chest instead of having 10x42 on my chest and a 15x56 in my pack .
  7. Baboltin

    Swarovski 10x42 question + vortex 15x50

    Seems like the wise thing for me to do is maybe go with the 12x50 and since they don’t offer them in the slc go with the el. I appreciate reading everyone’s opinion and helping me decide what direction to go. Guess I will start saving .
  8. Baboltin

    Swarovski 10x42 question + vortex 15x50

    I understand the difference between Swarovski and vortex since I started out with a vortex spotter and switched and upgraded to a Swarovski spotting scope and know the difference. What makes curious is it worth the extra 1000 bucks for between the slc 10x42 and the el 10x42 ? I’m sorry if my question or original statement was confusing with the vortex statement thrown in there. I am also up to suggestions on the size binos I run but I like to hunt and glass big open areas mostly hunt sage hills .
  9. Baboltin

    Swarovski 10x42 question + vortex 15x50

    What is the difference that you are paying for ?
  10. I have a kuiu icon pro 3200 pack for sale with a tall frame, and a large/extra large suspension it also comes with the hip pouches on each side and a kuiu gun pack holder. It’s in the verde Camo. 350.00 including shipping and the hip pouches and gun holder. G7 br2 barely used it and is like new! Love it and the only reason I am selling it is because I’m looking at possibly upgrade to the g7 br2500 gen 2. Comes with the case, teather cord and Manual. 1100 shipped.
  11. Baboltin

    Kuiu 3200 icon pro and g7 br2 for sale

    Pack sold and I am going to keep the g7 rangefinder .
  12. Baboltin

    FHF Bino Harness, Rangefinder pouch

    Are you firm on the price ? I haven’t actually seen one of these in person so I will be taking a gamble if I would like it or not. What size binos does it fit ?
  13. Baboltin

    FHF Bino Harness, Rangefinder pouch

    Does the rangefinder pouch the one that fits a g7 rangefinder?
  14. Baboltin

    Kuiu 3200 icon pro and g7 br2 for sale

    Still around merry Christmas!
  15. Baboltin

    FHF Bino Harness, Rangefinder pouch

    Does it come with the pouches ? And if so what do they fit? Also why has it never been used ? And what size binos does it for ?
  16. Baboltin

    Kuiu 3200 icon pro and g7 br2 for sale

    And your offer was what again ?
  17. Baboltin

    Kuiu 3200 icon pro and g7 br2 for sale

    Ttt really surprised this hasn’t sold
  18. Baboltin


    I would possibly be interested if you were willing to ship if you change your mind let me know.
  19. Baboltin

    2000 Honda TRX 250 Recon

    What is the price ?
  20. Baboltin

    Kuiu 3200 icon pro and g7 br2 for sale

    Maybe pm me with what you have in mind .