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About Couesbuktraknut

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  1. Couesbuktraknut

    Curly, my side on this

    The short time I spent in the 43a camp I never put Travis & Madglasser together until after the hunt. From what I saw you seem very knowledgeable & dedicated to sheep hunting. Camp was great, good food, great stories and cold beer. Once Curly was found things got intense but overall the hunt for Chris was a success & Curly was harvested. That old ram was literally in the process of dieing of old age before our eyes. I don't think he would have survived this last storm we just had.
  2. Couesbuktraknut

    Unit 27 Rocky Mountain Bighorn

    Great ram.!!
  3. Couesbuktraknut

    Have you seen this big boy

    I believe last year's auction hunter killed the new Pope & Young WR. Derringer Outfitters guided the hunt.
  4. Couesbuktraknut

    Have you seen this big boy

    I'm obviously jaded because I participated in a conversation and camped about a topic where temper's rose. I have no dog in the fight nor do I have any opinions of the people mentioned in previous post. It seems to me that this site as well as others is a "locals only" place. The merit of credibility is based on how many post someone has made rather than individual accomplishments large or small. I guess I'll just crawl back into my cave and avoid these hunting forums altogether. One thing before I leave, I've always wondered if the anti hunters fight against each other like hunters do.
  5. Couesbuktraknut

    Have you seen this big boy

    I'm just a guy who happened to have been in the 43a camp at the time Curly was shot. I know what I heard and saw. Now I'm some crazy psyco. I have no hard feelings towards anybody. I guess I'll move on then. I thought CW was a friendly place for hunters to converse.
  6. Couesbuktraknut

    Have you seen this big boy

    You never came up in any conversation that I was around. I have no negative opinion of either one you. I do a lot of shed hunting and I heard you're a buyer. I've got a nice collection and was looking to cash in maybe.
  7. Couesbuktraknut

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    That's what I'm talking about!! That's my favorite.
  8. Couesbuktraknut

    Have you seen this big boy

    I'm just trying to get to know people and make friends Sorry dude.
  9. Couesbuktraknut

    Nebraska Whitetail

    Corn fed whitetail is definitely to die for. That's why I go every year to Kansas
  10. Couesbuktraknut

    Have you seen this big boy

    I met him last week but no.
  11. Couesbuktraknut

    Have you seen this big boy

    Ok, well maybe some day I'll see catch up with you in the hills. It'll be my pleasure.
  12. Couesbuktraknut

    Have you seen this big boy

    Hey bonecollector777 I'd like to meet you in person. Are you gonna be at the Bow hunter happening in Mormon lake this next year? I'm looking forward to meeting you.
  13. Couesbuktraknut

    petition to unlock this thread

    There is nothing but truth being said by myself. Jay,I knew about the anonymous call before Chris began his hunt. I was present in camp during discussions about following thru with the 24 hour agreement. I was present when Curly was found. I was present when the phone call, not to you, but to the hunters rep was made. I was present while the ram was being babysat...I was one of around 20 people in that camp. None of us saw you during any of these happenings. You can imagine our surprise when we all saw a pic with you included. If it wasn't for the good will and integrity of the tag holder and his father,this discussion would not be taking place. The spin and drama on this ram truly does cast a bad light on hunting and somes opinion on Outfitters.
  14. Couesbuktraknut

    Heading South

    I'll be spending News years day headed south. I've got some buddies from Kansas that I hunt Eastern whitetails with.
  15. Couesbuktraknut

    What do you wear on your feet for a stalk?

    Sometimes I'll use the sneaky feet mid way through my stalk but the last 100 yards or so it's socks only.