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Everything posted by redhammer911

  1. redhammer911

    Iso kids camo

    I looked around the valley and the selections are slim; honestly best option is online at this point (Kings makes pretty good camo for kids).
  2. redhammer911

    Question about bonus point

    Mine are updated so I'd imagine everyone else's did today too. Yep just checked and mines updated too....
  3. redhammer911

    WTB Country thunder 4 day pass

    No 4 day pass but I'm selling a camping pass in canyon if you find one...
  4. redhammer911

    Youth Camo

    Very true the local Walmart by me have nothing; going to have to check the northern Walmart's when I go scouting for the kids.
  5. redhammer911

    Big Boquillas Ranch

    +1 Heres the site: https://huntbigboranch.com/
  6. redhammer911

    10x42 vortex razor HD

    still available?
  7. redhammer911

    3/17 CC Hits?

    Congrats to all the lucky winners; nothing for my household......thinking I may need to go to CO.
  8. redhammer911

    2017 is starting out great!!!

  9. redhammer911

    Turkey shell limit

    When hunting turkeys in AZ do you have a round capacity for your shotgun like waterfowl? Can't find anything in the regs but wanted to see if I'm missing something....
  10. redhammer911

    WTB country thunder camp site

    with a 35ft 5th wheel your going to be real tight on space most need two sites for a rig like that or cool neighbors that don't mind sharing space. I have a site that I just sold pending funds if it falls through I'll let you know.
  11. redhammer911

    Ruger American Predator 6.5 Creedmor

    pm sent...
  12. redhammer911

    Desert Christian Archers Free Turkey Hunting Seminar

    I plan on attending with my sons to get some pointers before there first turkey hunt this April.
  13. redhammer911

    Youth turkey help

    This is the youth camp I want to take my boys too but I don't see anything on there site for registration (Unit 1/27).
  14. redhammer911

    Youth deer/elk setup....

    Trying to decide on a nice setup I can get for my sons to multi-purpose hunt deer/elk and not have a ton of recoil. Looking at 6.5 creedmore as a viable option; either the Ruger Predator or the Tikka T3X CTR. Let me know what you guys think about either gun for a youth.
  15. redhammer911

    Youth deer/elk setup....

    Thanks for the responses I forgot about the 7mm-08; think that would be a great option. I'll check out some of those Savage youth offerings.... My boys are on the skinny side but tough from years of wrestling and ice hockey.