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galiuro mountain man

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Everything posted by galiuro mountain man

  1. galiuro mountain man

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Next endeavor is beef bacon. Going to start curing tonight. Will smoke it to 145 to 150 next weekend. Using the other half of the belly I got.
  2. galiuro mountain man

    What's for dinner tonight?

    I do it the same way, but I cheat most of the time and buy a corned beef. Last few I haven't steamed, and the flavor is better I think. I just debrine for 3 hours in fresh water (1.5 hours then change water and do it again) because it is way too salty without steaming. I use a salt free seasoning of pepper, garlic, onion, and such. For smoking, I do it just like any brisket. I build a good bark, then wrap it in butcher paper. During the smoke I let it go for about 2 to 2.5 hours then spritz with water and low salt beef broth. I can get an idea of what the meat is going to be like before I wrap it. Yesterday I wrapped at 175 or so, about 8 hours in. The one I did yesterday was going to be dry on one side (wasn't much marbling) so when I wrapped it, I added about 1/3 cup of smoked tallow I got from my last brisket trimmings. This helped the dry side and the whole thing turned out super tender and not overly salty. I pulled it from the smoker at 200 and let it rest outside while I did the corn. After over an hour the temp was a touch over 150, so moved inside and cut it. The first one I did without steaming, I did not debrine and it was way too salty. There was nothing to help work some of the salt out.
  3. galiuro mountain man

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Forgot to take pictures, but made pastrami and smoked corn on the cob. Here is a picture from the last time I made pastrami. This one turned out similar.
  4. galiuro mountain man

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Ok, I'm gonna have to say, these are without a doubt the best burt ends I have done. One thing I will do different next time is cut them at 190 to 192. I temp probed for tenderness at 195 and was wondering if it was a little too done. Wasn't dry or anything, just not the consistency I like. About as close to perfect as I have gotten burnt ends to be.
  5. galiuro mountain man

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Last half hour or so, very tender and juicy. Corn is coming along as well.
  6. galiuro mountain man

    What's for dinner tonight?

    So 14 hours in and finally sliced it. Very similar to brisket but so much more tender. Put the juices on and it should be some great ends It is pretty tasty right now without being finished. Edit: now that I am about done the wind stops
  7. galiuro mountain man

    What's for dinner tonight?

    This is 6 hours in. Had to transfer to the traeger because of the wind. Making beef belly burnt ends. Once it is just shy of what I like my brisket at, will slice it up and use my own concoction of sweet/spicy sauce First try with the belly, and yes, there is some saved for bacon. Almost 6 lbs after trimming. Going to throw some corn on the cob on when it is finishing.
  8. galiuro mountain man

    Just bought a Traeger and really?

    Smoked tallow from the last brisket, with a little seasoning in it.
  9. galiuro mountain man

    Silencer wait time???

    They are waiting for pistol braces.
  10. galiuro mountain man

    Pistol brace ruling

    Seems to me like you have to incriminate yourself
  11. galiuro mountain man

    Pistol brace ruling

    What is a pistol brace
  12. galiuro mountain man

    Impact Wrench recommendations?

    I use Milwaukee as well, have not had a problem with any. Well I wore out a fuel drill, 1500+ holes through 1/4" steel overhead In a year. It still ran, but sounded funny. Warranty covered it. The high torque 1/2" is really nice. The m18 compressor works very good too, use it almost as much as my shop compressor.
  13. galiuro mountain man

    Just bought a Traeger and really?

    The blue smoke is what you want for cooking, not a billowing white. Cold smoke will generally be a little thicker, but should dissipate quickly. Blue smoke should almost be invisible, basically see the heat from the exhaust and maybe a wisp of smoke here and there. For cheese you have to remember to let it air out, and it won't be done for around two weeks. Cold smoke for around two hours, then remove it from the smoker. 24 hours wrapped in pink butcher paper in the fridge. Vacuum bag it and in around 10 days it will be ready. Also, use a mellow wood for cheese, or eggs, they both take on smoke well. For either I like pecan, but I am going to try pecan and cherry mix next time. I have found apple smoke to try to be bitter for cheese or eggs. That's why I like pecan. For meats, make sure that the thick white smoke is at a minimum. I preheat my wood with the top of my fire box before adding it. It helps it light up faster and keeps the thick smoke down. I will still get a minute or two here and there, but when it takes 10+ hours that isn't anything. Also, use mellower wood to start and figure out how much is needed. Especially mesquite, it can get too strong fast. I usually only use mesquite for a quick grill, or use just a little for a long smoke. Oh, make sure mesquite is well seasoned, if it has moisture at all, it will make anything bitter. This is for a stick burner, for the pellet grills and smokers, I am getting kind of partial to the competition blends of pellets. Seems to have a good balance of flavor.
  14. galiuro mountain man

    Just bought a Traeger and really?

    If it is a pellet smoker, most of the competition type blends are good because they are usually blended to give a good smoky, but not too much in the face type smoke.
  15. galiuro mountain man

    Just bought a Traeger and really?

    I will be using mesquite and oak. The mesquite for flavor and oak for coals. It is a stick burner though. Pellet grill will be for the sides.
  16. galiuro mountain man

    Just bought a Traeger and really?

    Check chimney too. Dust can cause fire there also.
  17. galiuro mountain man

    Let's tell old hunting stories

    Foxes will do goofy things too, but at least they aren't as stinky.
  18. galiuro mountain man

    6.5 prc reloads

    Have you chronoed? Daughters bergara cm likes it fairly slow rounds. It also took around 50 rounds to start settling. It shoots 3/8 or so and never adjusted bullet depth. Just .010 off lands with accubond long range. That is as close as I can come to a prc bergara. Try loading 3 to 5 loads at minimum and work up, 3 at each half grain, it will help smooth out the barrel and will start showing nodes. Shoot a target with multiple spots, shoot one with one charge at a spot, next load at another spot (each shot a different load and a different spot), and continue until one shows promise. So let's say you have 3 loads, number the targets 123. Shoot the corresponding target in order 123. Then next round do 321. Last one shoot 213. Let the barrel cool between rounds. It will show the better than a true group test because it is more random for each load. It is not always the first or 5th group that shoots best. Sometimes it takes a little bit to find the best load, in my testing I found my prc hates accubond lr 142 bullets, but will shoot just about anything else. My daughter's cm will shoot just about anything that is 140+ and between 2650 and 2700. My son's cm likes faster loads, 140s at 2800 or more, just start to see pressure signs as I move up. Give the barrel a chance to break in, what I have seen is bergaras are very accurate, been around a few now.
  19. galiuro mountain man

    6.5 prc reloads

    Was there something specific they were doing wrong? Usually it takes about 60 to 100 rounds to settle a barrel. For my prc I used that to break in and fire form brass. On the load side of it, standard large rifle primers seem to make better groups for me when running under 60 grains. Once over that I will go to the magnums. So I have loads worked up for imr 8133 and h1000. Both around 3k feet per second. Both under 1/2" at 100. I usually find the most accurate powder charge then mess with bullet seating. My prc has around 300 through the tube, but I know what each load is going to do and what the scope needs to shoot one from the other. One bullet 143 eldx, other 140 vld, one click difference in poi at 100.
  20. galiuro mountain man

    6.5 prc reloads

    How many rounds through the barrel?
  21. galiuro mountain man

    Archery Kills rolling in already

  22. galiuro mountain man

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    I have a question for anyone that went out today. Does it seem like there is more, less or about the same amount of people hunting? I just wonder if the limits made more people go.
  23. galiuro mountain man

    Duwane Adams ?

    I had a good one about trolling vs motorboating, but had to keep it pgish.
  24. galiuro mountain man

    Duwane Adams ?

    Oh crap, your ex too?!
  25. galiuro mountain man

    Duwane Adams ?

    Just saw the picture.