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Everything posted by 206

  1. 206

    Not gov tag but OTC tag filled

    👍🏻 great job!
  2. 206

    Muzzleloader Madness

    Here is the rest of the story yesterday Lance Jim and myself worked our way into an area that we can glass. Lance glasses 2 bulls early in the morning at a mile away we looked around the other area and could not find any other bulls that were worth pursuing. Lance made the call that we were going to make our move to a bench that we thought if we could get to we can make a shot. As we are approaching the area we got to about 1500 yards and started the glass and I was able to pick up one of the two bulls that we spotted earlier this morning he was a nice main framed 6 x 6 but had been broken off between his fifth and six point a definite shooter for this time of year just about at that time we starting to see more elk come into the same canyon where we recently saw the two bulls. At this point Lance said it’s time to make out move and get to that next bench we proceeded to get into position on the next bench when Jim my guide spotted a huge bull coming over the ridge. He radioed into us “guys I just spotted a monster bull coming over the top of the ridge bigger than anything we’ve seen” at that point we worked in to the ridge. Suddenly we heard a huge bugle shortly there after Lance picked up cows moving through the timber. After then hunt Lance mentioned after the bugle he knew we were in the middle of the elk because we had a bugle the right and cows to our left. At that point Lance got me into position on the shooting sticks and we watched cows pass through shortly there after Lance says there’s a bull get ready. I’m in my shooting lane, my crosshairs on the bull and Lance says don’t you shoot. I was thinking in the back of my mind that was a good 5 x 5 that we just let walk away. Lance said to me “Tim there’s bigger bulls in here “, at that point we move down the ridge and Lance to stops and says “there’s of shooter bull right there behind a pine tree “. He was in the thick pine looking at us. At that point I turned the scope up to 15 power and started looking for holes in the trees. I was able to find one lane on the bull he stepped out in a small hole. I had a shot Lance stopped the bull and BOOM! I made the shot. I want to thank Lance, Jim, Weston and all of the Timberland Outfitters crew for an amazing hunt and a bull of a lifetime
  3. 206

    Muzzleloader Madness

    Saw a few cows today and a lot more hunters. Trying a new area tomorrow. Hunting is just that hunting.
  4. 206

    Muzzleloader Madness

    Not a great picture but eagles on the Carcass.
  5. 206

    Muzzleloader Madness

    I had some obligations in town so I barely made up to my hunt today. Once I arrived I had some work items to take care of as well. Now that that’s all taken care of I decided to take a drive around the unit to see what was going on. First off as you guys know it dry up here. No monsoon has left tanks dry and grass short. Finally got out of the truck and walked down to a small cut and glasses up some elk. Got on one small group of elk with a small spike. Not quite ready for a meat bull yet. Update—- went in to a location looking for bulls first light and did not see them where they had been a before. Checked a tank and saw fresh tracks so we followed down a draw but nothing panned out. we did find a good area to glass so we moved in. As soon as we got setup we noticed a fresh kill. cool thing about he kill was it had 5 bald eagles on it. Crazy I have never seen that many in one spot. so lots of eagles not elk.
  6. 206

    Colorado Success

    👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 great job
  7. 206

    Muzzleloader Madness

    I had some obligations in town so I barely made up to my hunt today. Once I arrived I had some work items to take care of as well. Now that that’s all taken care of I decided to take a drive around the unit to see what was going on. First off as you guys know it dry up here. No monsoon has left tanks dry and grass short. Finally got out of the truck and walked down to a small cut and glasses up some elk. Got on one small group of elk with a small spike. Not quite ready for a meat bull yet.
  8. 206

    Bull shot... what happened??

    Never lose a bull again. Use a single bevel broadhead. look it up.
  9. 206

    Elk and cattle.

    Cows = no elk
  10. So I have tag in Az 6A and I need help. Tell me all you spots, GPS coordinates please. I dont want to pay for a guide or work too hard. Haha haha 😂. that is The only type of post I read here. gawww go scout and hunt people.
  11. Watching the sunrise and transplanting broccoli in Yuma. Beautiful sunrise hope someone is shooting some right now!
  12. 206

    Rut Activity

    Where is the rest of the video? thats a tease
  13. 206

    13b HornPorn

    Wow. Brutes!
  14. 206

    Son got it done again.

    Love the 5 x 5’s sweet
  15. This is a great thread. Especially for those of us who are mule deer junkies!
  16. 206

    unit 11M archery draw tag

    Wow, I did not even see the any deer portion of the tag. I was just excited to get an archery tag up north! Has anyone even seen good deer in this unit in December?
  17. 206


    Delete this topic this is completely inappropriate talk. I am offended. Expletive
  18. 206

    Unit ten elk ?? On the Bo not seen one elk

    As amazing as 10 can be for archery...10 can be very tough for rifle. Glassing is the best way to find the bulls. Last time my dad hunted the rifle glassing bulls at 3-4 miles was not uncommon. Then closing the distance to less than 1 mike and better identifying what you have is the normal. Full moon does not mean the will not be out feeding during the day just means the May bed and get up and feed in less typical areas.
  19. 206

    Unit 8 Knowledge

    Pm me I have a few tips
  20. 206

    Heat's 7W Archery Bull Elk Hunt

    Nice Nick that is a great bull! Love the character!
  21. My Dad is an archery nut. Lucky for him he also has the time to do it. So he draws another Utah tag, put in some hours with his buddies up North and got another opportunity at monster. Up until this point this year nothing had been coming into the blinds. So he waited for another hunter to harvest his animal. After checking around they noticed some deer using a new trail and set up. The next night this brute came in. His second 200" mulie!! 34 1/2 inch spread and over 200"