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About cobylarsen

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  1. cobylarsen

    Kodiak Tent or Spring Bar experience camping in sand?

    I've used some 3/8" or 1/2" Rebar cut to 2-3' lengths for a cheap springbar tent stakes while camping at Lake Powell in the sand- seemed to work good. If you go this route, it's a good idea to put those safety caps on to avoid bare foot trauma (just ask my wife 😲). Another idea is to buy/make some fabric bags that you can fill with sand and bury; attach some rope from the buried sandbags to the stake loop & that should hold the tent well.
  2. cobylarsen

    Not gov tag but OTC tag filled

    Nice bull, Mark! Congrats! Best to you and your family.
  3. cobylarsen

    Only 1 hour until cards start getting hit

    We got hit for 3 youth tags for the multi-unit hunt around Prescott. It will be our third year in a row we get to hunt up there in early October. We went 3/3 our first year & 0/1 last year but we were able to get our blood pumping chasing (but not harvesting) a big black bear. It will be my 15 yr old's first time hunting for something with antlers- he's pretty excited. My brother's card got hit for a Superstition hunt so we get to venture out together. It will be our 6th year in a row that we get to hunt in the Wilderness together for the grey ghost.
  4. cobylarsen

    The Family Sheep Hunt - 2019 Ram

    Great story Jack! Congrats to you & Gabby & the whole crew!
  5. cobylarsen

    Once Used Swarovski 15x56 HD

    Nice doing business with you- hope to put them to good use this season!