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Everything posted by Leroysmith99

  1. Leroysmith99

    2 NEW unfired hunting rifles ***PRICE DROP

    New to this, Spf?
  2. Leroysmith99

    Super Redhawk 44mag

    Strange that I've gotten 3 sellers pm me about what a prick and whiner you are, any idea why that is? Yet no one but you has a problem with what ive done. Please post the part where YOU say you will trade and i say we have a deal.
  3. Leroysmith99

    Remington 700 Price drop

    Yes, you make the third one to pm me about him.
  4. Leroysmith99

    Remington 700 Price drop

    He just keep whinging about a deal he thinks was done. He should please post where he says he wants to trade and i agree. The deal just never happened.yes i post to trade, if i don't get a reply within a couple of hours i look for another deal. He is just a disgruntled seller.
  5. Leroysmith99

    Remington 700 Price drop

    This is a seller that i decided not to trade. Appaently he does understand how to finalize a deal. After researching his gun i realized it was what i wanted. Now he is pissed.
  6. Leroysmith99

    Ruger 7MM Rem Mag Rifle with Balistics

    Thank you
  7. Leroysmith99

    Remington 700 Price drop

    Not sure i have put appox. 20rds.bought it 6yrs ago.
  8. Leroysmith99

    Super Redhawk 44mag

    HOGHNTR, was yours the older Ruger?
  9. Leroysmith99

    Super Redhawk 44mag

    Hoghntr, you didn't havewhat i wanted. Told you thank.
  10. Leroysmith99

    Ruger 7MM Rem Mag Rifle with Balistics

    Still avil?
  11. Leroysmith99

    2 NEW unfired hunting rifles ***PRICE DROP

    What is the new price?
  12. Leroysmith99

    Remington 700 Price drop

    Any interest in a early model 44 mag, Ruger Super Red Hawk. And a litle cash?
  13. Leroysmith99

    Super Redhawk 44mag

    I have the early model.
  14. Leroysmith99


    Take $300 today?
  15. Leroysmith99


    Take $350 ?
  16. Leroysmith99

    Ruger 7MM Rem Mag Rifle with Balistics

    Still avail?
  17. Still avail?
  18. Would you take $450 tonight?
  19. Leroysmith99

    New Outdoorsmans Long Range Pack System

    How much for just the polypropylene frame?
  20. Leroysmith99

    WTB camp chef 2 burner stove

    I have the camp chef 3 buner w/bbg.and blk carry case Are you intetested?
  21. Leroysmith99

    wtb rifle

    I have a win mod 70, 308.