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Everything posted by W250

  1. W250

    Donate javelina meat or give it away

    I hate the taste of javelina but love hunting them. We used to give them away as well but moved last year. Killed one yesterday and decided to make it into jerky, heck with enough seasoning and a good marinade witch is normally anything and everything in the fridge I think you could probably make a dog turd taste decent 😂
  2. W250

    BBD - 2024 hunt

    My first thought was Holy $Hit. Then well another one! That is a stud and I love the story!! Nothing better than hunting with the kids and seeing them connect on the animal of your dreams!! Great job and can’t wait to hear what he scores!
  3. W250

    NM youth coues

    heck of a buck!! Good job sister!
  4. W250

    How old do you say he is?

    Was it the Taylor Swift sightings on the Super Bowl that woke you up?
  5. W250


    Where are you located?
  6. Has anyone had an awning replaced on a trailer recently if so what should I expect for price. Or how big of a pain in the ### is it to do yourself?
  7. W250

    Awning replacement on travel trailer

    I appreciate the feedback!
  8. W250

    Awning replacement on travel trailer

    Sounds like it’s a good thing I have boys that love to heck their oll man out😁
  9. W250

    How long until cards are hit??

    My conspiracy theory is G&F is tired of us killing! I’m going to be a bear to deal with if I don’t get hit!!!
  10. W250

    Help a hunting family in need

    Sad to hear! Hark was a great man!
  11. W250

    Any Alamo reports?

    Has anyone been braving the drift wood?
  12. W250

    Any Alamo reports?

    Also supposed to head down in two weeks but I think we will keep an eye on the reports, might push it a week or two if needed. Good luck!!
  13. W250


    Boarman, if only everyone were as a top notch person as your self. I’m sure your messages to him were were very encouraging. Probably pissed him off enough he will take his business somewhere else. I don’t think you are as good as you think you are at reading a book by its cover. heck if I was a betting man I have a feeling I’d win this one!
  14. W250

    Sonoran Desert Find Tool?

    Looks like a tool for making arrow shafts for killing cowboys
  15. W250

    Daughters first coues deer

    Smile says it all!! Congrats girl! And dad
  16. W250


    First year hunting border units, had a blast killed two great bucks and WALKED over piles of trash. Never felt uncomfortable seen some great country and enjoyed every bit of it. If the dark scares ya stay away😂.
  17. W250

    Looking for help 36b

    Found two bucks that nobody else wanted to get to, kicked our butts but had a great time in a new unit!! Get in the high rough stud that even you don’t want to and you will seal the deal!!
  18. W250


    Haven’t seen the trash or activity I thought we would have. Not that we haven’t seen any but not to the extent I was preparing the oll lady for. WAY more boarder patrol than I thought 👍
  19. Authentic is top notch!!! Troy has done great work for us and couldn’t tell you anyone else because we have used them for years. Great people!!
  20. W250

    Lion guides

    7 Anchor outfitters!!!!
  21. heck put a picture or two up we will get er within 4”
  22. W250

    WTS Heritage Rough Rider revolver

    If Edge gets caught up in traffic on 93 I’ll take it!!!
  23. W250

    Where's Casey? 5 in a row baby!!! 38 - 15

    ASU!!!! U of A will be in the sunbelt before you know it!!!😂