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About mtuck

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  1. mtuck

    Doubled Up - Cows Down

    Great job on the double! That's a lot of field work in a short amount of time but the meat and stories are worth it. Congrats.
  2. mtuck

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    1980's vintage Remington 700 BDL in 7mm Rem Mag, Vortex Razor HD LH 3-15 x 42mm, Federal Premium 160gr Nosler Partition.
  3. mtuck

    Cow Tags, Kids, and Time Well Spent

    Congratulations on a great hunt lancetkenyon. Time with your kids is precious and this is a great story!
  4. mtuck

    7W Cow - Opening day success

    We were all kinda surprised the cow call did so well. We didn't try it with the first group of bulls and cows. If we did, we might have both tagged out opening morning. Either way, it worked out great for us.
  5. mtuck

    7W Cow - Opening day success

    Excellent! Looking forward reading your story.
  6. mtuck

    7W Cow - Opening day success

    I'm sure we saw you driving around. The roads in that area were like freeways with all the traffic. How was your hunt?
  7. mtuck

    7W Cow - Opening day success

    We were up in the Spring Valley area.
  8. First time elk hunting and first time hunting 7W. Our scouting trip in July gave a few potential spots to camp and hunt but we did not see any elk at that time. When we arrived on Wednesday, 10/16, we were happy to see our primary camp location was still open and we quickly setup camp so we could get to scouting. We went out to our primary hunting area that looked promising in July but did not see anything moving and no real fresh sign. Thinking that maybe this area would be more suited to a morning hunt, we headed back to camp for the night. We were excited to hear a few bugles in the early night and went to bed feeling optimistic for the morning. Thursday morning scouting was very uneventful with no game seen at our primary spot. We decided our afternoon scout would be closer to where we thought the bugles from the night before were coming from. We didn't see any game that afternoon but decided that we would sit this area in the morning hoping to catch something in the field before they headed to bed down in the hills. We set up our blind with good views of a field and tree line. We had some downed trees in front of us and set up plenty of natural background to hide our silhouettes. No bugles were heard that night. Opening morning we head over to our blind and wait for the sunlight to start to peak over the hills. We were not super optimistic since we hadn't seen any elk and did not hear any activity the night before but to our surprise, at first light, we spotted 2 bulls and 6 cows in the far corner of the field. We watched them for a while but we could not get them any closer and they slowly made their way off into the hills, well out of our range. Feeling better that we at least saw some elk, we went back to glassing the area hoping for another chance. Within a few minutes, we spotted a bull and cow about a half mile away. My buddy let out a few cow calls and they immediately perked up and started looking our way. A few more calls and they both started heading towards us. We continued to call and they continued to advance. The bull was a beautiful 6x6, the cow was good sized and they continued to come towards us and our call. There was a barbed wire fence about 100 yards in front of us and the pair continued to advance. They quickly closed the distance to fence line with the cow in the lead. One last call and the cow jumped over the barbed wire. She was broadside and I squeezed the trigger of my 7mm Rem Mag. The cow gave a quick jump and started to bolt to my right, A quick cycle of the action and the second shot had her down for good. This was all by 0645 opening morning. I was extremely excited but almost sad that it happened so quickly. We got her field dressed, loaded in the truck and took off for Casey's Processing in Flagstaff where she weighed in at a nice 294lbs dressed and caped. We cut out a backstrap for dinner and headed back to camp happy with our success and looking forward to filling our other tag. That afternoon was uneventful but the next morning was very similar to opening day. We had a group of 4 cows that we were able to call in to approx. 150 yards and my buddy quickly filled his tag. 2 days, 2 cows, mission complete! I'm blessed to have such great hunting buddies, that helped me on this hunt and allowed me to take the first shot. Here's my girl.
  9. mtuck

    WTS/WTT: 7mm Rem Mag Ammo

    I'll take it. PM inbound.
  10. No worries wildwoody. I know you were just kidding. I was just trying to explain my situation. I remember to hit you up if I ever get hunt in 22.
  11. mtuck

    My Boy's first coues.....

    2 beautiful deer! Great job for you and your son!
  12. mtuck

    They're up-archery bull elk in 7W!

    2 cow tags for the Oct. 18 hunt in 7W. First elk hunt for me, can't wait for the fall.
  13. I've always planned on scouting but since I live in Tucson (5+ hours away from 7W) I was hoping to get some help with some general areas. Between working a full-time job (not counting mandatory overtime and on-call) plus 3 busy kids, my available time to scout is limited and I wanted to try and focus the 1 or 2 trips I may be able to take on areas that had some potential.
  14. Thanks for the help everyone. I've got my first scouting trip planned with a quite few areas to check out. I'm very excited about this hunt and can't wait to get up there and start looking over the area. Good luck to all those with tags.