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Everything posted by haywire

  1. haywire

    They are UP online!!!

    Well dangitt!! No more refunds coming this year!!
  2. I seem to remember the first date for this banquet they set last year interfered with some hunts..... Now this date does too, bad timing again.
  3. haywire

    A bunch of pictures.

    Thanks for sharing your experience!! That looks awesome. Some amazing scenery for sure!!
  4. haywire

    Draw results

    Not cool at all!!!
  5. haywire

    My son

    Kent. I have read your first post as well as this one over and over again. Everytime I do the tears roll down my face. I cannot imagine what you and your family is going through. My family and I have and will continue to pray for you and your family in this time of need. God above and all of your CouesWhitetail family are watching over you and praying for your. May you find some peace in this time. God Bless. The Kauffman family
  6. Well there was no way my boy was gonna go without hunting the juniors turkey hunt, and there was no way I was not going to take advantage of it!! We were sure excited to get out and see what we could do. We had scouted several different areas and heard many different birds. We decided to start at a spot where we had six different toms going and we had figured out what they were doing.... or so we thought. Friday morning we got to our spot early with a little bit of snow on the ground and it was cold! We got out of the truck and without any calling from us we heard him and his friends talking. We hiked in a ways to get setup where they were going to fly down and move through. It seemed like forever before he flew down, but when he did, he went the exact opposite way from where we though he was going to go!! We called a little at him but no luck. So we picked up the decoys and stayed on them. We caught up to them and saw our tom with a mess of hens and there was no way he was leaving them. We got on a couple of the other birds but no luck bringing them in. After a little lunch and talking about the exciting morning, we were back in the same place that afternoon. We had decided to get into the spot that we knew they were feeding through on their way back tho the roost and see if we could catch them. We had no idea that things were about to get real exciting. We set up the decoys and got comfortable for what might be a long wait. Things were pretty quiet for about thirty minutes. Thats when I looked to our left and saw movement. Holy cow, here they come!! I told my boy to get his face mask on and get ready cause they were heading right for us. The tom he ended up shooting was coming first followed by four jakes and another tome that was in full strut a ways behind the group. They fed around for a little bit and I was starting to get a little nervous that they would not continue to the decoys. We had him at about 30 to 40 yards to our left for a while, but that put our camera man right in the line of fire!! He finally spotted the decoys, ran the jakes off and made a beeline for the decoys. I whispered to my boy that as soon as he got past the trees to shoot. He whispered that he was going to take him and he let the 12 guage fly and smoked him!! It was an amazing day and we could not have wrote it better in a book!! I am so proud of the little man and hunter he has become and cannot wait to get him out on his next adventure!! Enjoy the pics. I am still figuring the video posting out, but it is coming!! Richard
  7. haywire

    Draw Results

    Sounds like a good idea Houston! You will have a great hunt over there, I should be over there for at least the first two weeks anyway. August is going to be a blast!! Can't hardly wait.
  8. haywire

    blue Ford F-350

    Nope guess not, sticker is in the right spot but thats about it.
  9. haywire

    Draw Results

    Hey Houston I talked to Scott this morning, congrats on your tag!! I will probably see you over there!! But I know I will see you in August!! Finally get to hang with you for a while! Should be fun. Richard
  10. haywire

    blue Ford F-350

    Unfortunately, I was down that way but it was Sunday, blueish green F-350... crew cab, fuel tank in the back?
  11. haywire

    Draw Results

    Big surprise..... nothing for me again!!
  12. haywire


    Sounds like a cool idea. But 99% let off?? Kinda takes the whole sport of bowhunting out of it don't it?
  13. haywire

    My son's first turkey!! VIDEO ADDED!!

    Thanks guys!! Glad you enjoyed the video!!! Jay.. Thanks for the kind words. He is only 11, but he has become a great hunter and I love having him next to me on every hunt or scouting trip!! Richard
  14. haywire

    My son's first turkey!! VIDEO ADDED!!

    Sorry for the long delay in posting the video, but I was having technical difficulties Here is the video of the hunt, enjoy!! It may take a minute to load, but it's worth it!! http://www.vimeo.com/4719491
  15. haywire

    head to the rim

    Looks like a pretty darn good day!!
  16. haywire

    Bluffed Up Lion

    Did you guys not have someone with a tag to shoot him? Just curious... Call me if you need a shooter!!
  17. haywire

    Miss America

    +1!! Good for her for standing up for what she believes!!
  18. haywire

    Bear in tank rolling and splashing

    Sweet pics!! Thanks for sharing!
  19. haywire

    Sucessful opening morning junior turkey

    Congrats on your first turkey!! That is awesome!! Richard
  20. haywire

    Sam's Unit 27 Gobbler

    Nice job!! Congrats to you!!
  21. haywire

    Jr. Turkey Participation

    Took my son out and had a blast!! Just posted the story and pics under youth hunters!! Richard
  22. haywire

    My son's pig!!

    Well my son had a juniors pig hunt last year that did not go quite as planned..... He missed a sure shot and was pretty bummed about it. I told him not to get down that he would have more opportunities. It started by him taking his first deer last year on a juniors hunt that many of you saw posted on here. Well he got another juniors pig tag this year in a different unit and we were pretty excited. We got a late start out Friday morning and it rained from Show Low all the way down. We got camp set up and went to start glassing. It rained off and on and we had no luck. Saturday morning we woke to a very heavy fog that did not start to lift until late morning. We found a few deer but no piggies. A good friend of mine showed up mid-day to hang with us and lend a hand. We left camp for one spot and saw more deer. We moved to another area and glassed hard again. When we were moving to another galssing spot we did have some pigs run off the side of the road, but no luck finding them. Sunday morning we woke and knew that the weather would be better and the pigs should be moving. We went to an area just past where we saw them the day before and glassed only to see more deer. My buddy had to leave at about ten, so we moved to another spot just up the road. My boy and I hiked to a rock point to start glassing again. After about 45 minutes or so I spotted something under a tree over a thousand yards away or more. I stared at it for a few minutes when it finally moved. I told my son I had pigs and I could see him start to shake a little. I found six in the herd and watched for a few minutes to make sure they were not moving too far. I knew there was a little 2 track road that went in the direction so we hurried back to the truck and went that way. We drove that road a little bit and parked by a small hill. We climed up it and located them again but they were still over 500 yards away. We started the stalk on them and found them again at 150 yards. My boy had nothing to rest the gun on and I knew we could get closer because they had no idea we were there. We backed up a little, went into some trees and moved closer. I found a dead tree that was a perfect rest for his gun. I got him comfortable and ranged the closest pig at 87 yards. He took his time and smoked him with one shot. We were both pretty excited about him connecting with this guy. Here are a few pics of him and his pig!!
  23. haywire

    Her First Deer!!!

    That is awesome!! It is soo good to see the young ladies getting out there!! Congrats to her!!
  24. haywire

    6A/B Headed Out

    Yep, looks like you guys had a great time. Those are memories that will be cherished for many years. Tell him not to get down, it will happen for him soon!!