took my little family up north for some fly fishing and to try and get away from the loud city life only to find the city life beat me up there. Non stop Spanish music. I'm not talking a little on and off music, I'm talking 2 full days where it never shut off. They played it till 12 o'clock at night. How rude can someone be? Do they not realize that nobody else camping wants to here this freaking music. Are they clueless of who else is camping next to them. We get enough of it in the valley, why take it up where most are trying to avoid the noise. I couldn't take it anymore. I lost it after walking over there and realizing they left it on even though nobody was at camp. i found them walking up the road. I told them how rude and annoying there music was and to shut it off so everybody could enjoy the quiet of the mountains . All I got was a middle finger. "Welcome to the new age camping everyone, its only going to get worst"