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Everything posted by Rotorhead

  1. Rotorhead

    Marlin 1894 SBL 357/38 lever gun

    Rifle sold. Thanks to those who looked and commented.
  2. Selling my 2 month old Marlin 1894 SBL 357/38 lever gun. I waited 2 years for Ruger to catch up with production, but plans have changed. I have shot it twice, maybe 50 rounds through it & not a scratch on it. If you are in the market you can save yourself a couple hundred bucks. These are pretty difficult to find. Thanks for looking, PM me if interested. $1100. Alan
  3. Rotorhead

    Marlin 1894 SBL 357/38 lever gun

    Located in East Valley, Mesa.
  4. Rotorhead

    Rangefinding bino recommendations

    I have had the Nikons for about 6 years now. When I initially purchased, they had a 100% guarantee on both glass & electronics same as Vortex. At the time they were the only 2 options under $1000. When I sent them in a couple years ago to repair a broken eye cup, I was informed that they are no longer offering unlimited warranty on the electronics. Needless to say I was pretty pi**ed about but I have no complaints about the clarity and performance of the range finder. I tell all of my buddies it's the best money I've spent on a piece of hunting gear.
  5. I mistakenly ordered short action magnum magazines for my Mossberg Patriot, waited too long to return/exchange them. They are SKU 95346, selling for $27 on the Mossberg website. Asking $25 for both of mine. Alan 214-662-6569 Mesa AZ
  6. If anyone can use these please let me know. I'm open to just about any kind of an offer, I hate to see them go to waste. Alan 214-662-6569
  7. Rotorhead

    Remington 700 .270 ADL

    Rifle sold.
  8. Rotorhead

    Remington 700 .270 ADL

    Good condition Remington 700 ADL in .270 Win, SKU R27094. Looking to sell, $400, or trade for a Remington 700 short action. Open to calibers, let me know what you have. Alan 214-662-6569 Mesa AZ
  9. Rotorhead

    Wanted: LA Remington 700 .473 boltface

    I have a Remmy ADL in .270 listed here. PM sent.
  10. Rotorhead

    Remington 700 .270 ADL

  11. Rotorhead

    Remington 700 .270 ADL

  12. Rotorhead

    Remington 700 .270 ADL

  13. Rotorhead

    Remington 700 .270 ADL

    Price drop to $400 or trade for a short action 700. Thanks again. Alan
  14. Rotorhead

    Remington 700 .270 ADL

  15. Rotorhead

    Remington 700 .270 ADL

  16. Rotorhead

    Remington 700 .270 ADL

    Open to selling or trades now. Asking $450. Thank you, Alan
  17. Rotorhead

    Remington 700 .270 ADL

  18. Rotorhead


    I was just at Bruno's this afternoon and they have Retumbo on the shelf, 1 pounders. Jason said first they have seen in 2 1/2 years.
  19. Rotorhead

    Rem 700 Long Range 7 Mag

    Rifle is sold. Thanks to everyone who looked & commented.
  20. Rotorhead

    Rem 700 Long Range 7 Mag

    New, never fired Remington 700 Long Range in 7 Mag. I bought it a few years back, had a brake installed and never got around to doing anything more with it. Also have a Weaver 20MOA base. Asking $800 or possible trade for lever action 38/357.
  21. Rotorhead

    Rem 700 Long Range 7 Mag

    I'm pretty sure the rifle is sold, working delivery/pick up details. I will keep it posted though until the deal is complete. Thanks to all for your questions & input.
  22. Rotorhead

    Rem 700 Long Range 7 Mag

    I do not. He is pretty good about returning calls if you leave a message or text him.
  23. Rotorhead

    Rem 700 Long Range 7 Mag

    Thank you, it should shoot well. Just too many to reload for, lol Todd South/Southern Express Precision Rifles installed the brake. I've had him true up, chamber & thread a couple rifles for me, great work!
  24. Rotorhead

    .338 lapua what happened?

    No need, it was more of a potential answer to the original question of what happened to the 338 Lapua.