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Everything posted by COA

  1. First time hearing about this. Very unfortunate event.
  2. Bang on the tank. Could be fuel pump. Good luck
  3. COA

    WTB Cargo Panel

    Looking to extend the capabilities of my day pack. If anyone has a kifaru cargo panel or anything similar let me know. Thanks
  4. Try a different key as well. Sometimes the resistor on the key is off and it willl initiate pass lock
  5. http://coloradofans.com/forums/67-technical-questions-tips-how/142238-how-permanently-disable-passlock-ii-system.html#/topics/142238?_k=qjgisg I did this to my colorado. Never happened again.
  6. Thats an easy fix you can cut a wire and by pass pas lock or wait 20 minutes and restart. Ill find a link