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Everything posted by Delw

  1. Delw

    Colt suspends production of AR-15 for civilian market

    Actually there isnt, there is a bunch of f'n hacks out there making Junk wannabe ars. Colts Quality and a FEW others is dang good. Colt followed the Military Specs like a FEW others do. There Quality control like a FEW others is top notch per Military specs. When you start changing sizes and dimensions different materials parts wont fit with other parts of the same type of weapon causing Jams, mags not fitting bolt failure etc etc. Ive seen it all with aftermarket JUNK and there is a reason for it. NO Quality Control using the cheapest material to make a buck cause some fool will buy them if its cheap enough when a gun craze is going on. Sure the some of the other Manufactures work and may look nicer , a few improved modifications but there working off a modified version that they tested. But COLT and the Handful of others that are working to Military specs are making good parts and firearms To SPEC as required via the Military.
  2. Delw

    22S Last Night

    Stay on the group txt, I am guessing the magic number will be 7 when he finally gets one down and gutted, then on his way packing it out he will find 2 more with his arrows in them LOL
  3. Delw

    Youth hunting round

    270 is a good choice for all around. also wood stock as the absorb recoil alot better than composite stocks
  4. Delw

    Colt suspends production of AR-15 for civilian market

    The ar-market is flooded, its not worth colts time to make ar-15s they can concentrate on military sales. No money in public sales cause there's just too many people making them for dirt cheap. Still its a shitty move if what the news agency's say is true on there reasoning but if I recall Smith and Wesson(certain guns) did that and so did Springfield armory in the 80's with the ca ban
  5. Delw

    22S Last Night

    I knew what you meant. I had just remembered that I called it quits once too. I am a one and done guy. Shot a really nice one in 12a west I think it was 92 with a rifle tag. Couldnt find it none of us could I looked the whole season plus 3 more 4 day weekends to No avail. 3 people with me saw me hit it twice as well as 2 other guys from New mexico. we had lots of people looking even there friends camp out and looked a few days. Next year I got drawn again same tag. took a buddy from work up there with me he never hunted and always wanted too. Opening morning we were standing in the same spot glassing deer, I told him where I shot mine. He later went to the edge of the cliff to look over it. Then goes is that it in the top of the tree. stupid deer must have jumped off the cliff and into the top of a huge scrub oak, his rack stuck out plain as day sitting in the top of the tree all bleached out about 50 or so foot down. I couldn't offer him enough money to sell it back to me. heck even threatened to fire him and his wife and that didnt work either ;) He had never been hunting let alone in the the wilderness. he was pretty pumped. That was a long drive home. Last time I ever shot a 25-06 too, I have to brand spanking new rugers never fired from the 90s one in a ruger #1 and one it a laminated stock ss varmit when they 1st came out. working on loads now for my rifle deer hunt in nov. kinda hesitant about using it because of what happened way back when. granted the shot was at 40 yards using hot loads and the wrong bullets. They didnt expand just blew a hole through him twice. it was my bad for using those bullets
  6. Delw

    22S Last Night

    haha it took me 8 shots(MISSES) before I finally hung it up one year. like my 2nd or third year of archery hunting so would have been 84/85. was up in big springs Wife me and the dog. Bachelor herd of about 8-10 bucks all kinda decent but not huge, I'm a piss poor shot with a bow on Animals targets I have no issues. so we are at camp sitting and bullshitting in the evening, bachelor herd walks by 20 yards from camp. I grab my bow fired miss fired miss all 6 f'n arrows in my quiver (ranges 20-40 yards) walk over to the herd the slowly move, pick up 2 more arrows and shoot missed all. Said F' it tossed the bow on the ground walked back to a wife laughing her butt off ate and went to bed. Next morning I got up late. 2 bucks sitting by camp on the road. 5 yards from the truck. Forgot the bow was about 60 yards away(but I did have Arrows). Wife again laughing went back to bed. The following day I hit 2 in the Antlers. went home a few days later cause I lost every f'n arrow and bought a sight and more arrows.. That didnt help much haha ah the good old days
  7. Delw

    Unit 10 turned in tag.

    Congrats cool looking buck. I don't recall seeing one brown like that either. usually its just dust but that has definate brown/tan in it. unique forsure.
  8. Delw


    friends got a cabin up north of happy jack and sees them all the time. has a few on his game cam pics took right in his front yard. Ive been in the state since 82 and never seen one, hunted for them a few times. fished canyon Apache and sag for 15 years at night and never seen one. buddies have though
  9. Delw

    22S Last Night

    Naw he'll just go into town and buy more, Ive seen it done many many years ago, and this stupid F video taped it. Unfortunately he came and got the video tape back before it could be handed off to G&F. I think we counted 11 bulls and one lion it was also in unit 9. bad part was he bragged about it for months.
  10. Delw

    Son got it done again.

    WOW congrats to your boy. hes growing up big time he's like 18 now right?
  11. Delw

    Unit 21 herd....Edit...Pics and story

    Thats a really cool looking buck
  12. Delw


    That was fast, smoking deal too
  13. Thanks yup that was funny, My daughter does goofy shoot like that in front of trail cams when we are out hunting too. Heres one that had like 3 cams pointing in the direction. was on a trail to a pond behind me about 20 yards away.. she took off running and I had no clue why, then did this and said look at the trailcams behind you Dad .
  14. Got any more pics you can post? I got till Thursday at 1pm(mail comes) before I start getting letters again from my daughter in Basic and I am f'n bored. Between her letters and your thread I never followed anything so much.
  15. Dont over look 12aw its just as good as 13 for the early archery hunts if you stay very west in the sage /junipers and small pine thickets. too many people get hung up in hunting in the tall pines. dont get me wrong great deer in the main forest in the center of the unit but theres a ton of people. when it was OTC archery we might see 1-2 trucks all hunting season and those guys were generally scouting for rifle tags. I never missed a archery 12awest season since 82 when it was otc. always had a ton of fun and saw quality deer, I just sucked at archery back then.
  16. So what other critters did you see up there. did you see any lions(other than the cam one)? lots of yotes" Rams? Oh yeah I am sure you saw those big butt jackrabbit that are up on the rim and tons of them probably too. some of the biggest jacks I ever seen were up there. Kid spent all day on one of our scouting trips shooting and chasing jacks in 12b about 8 years ago. driving down the dirt roads in the dark night and in early am hundreds of them. did you see all the fossils embedded in the rocks up there? (little shirmps and shells fossils were everywhere.) Back in the 80s wife and I used to go up all the time( the entire north rim). weeks at a time, just driving around. she always had me stop at all the old dump sites we came across. she found some cool old stuff, cans bottles lots of wood stuff old casters even found and old bed frame she wanted to haul back to town for her mom. I had no clue what it was for but she knew.
  17. Thanks idgaf That littler one is just bad butt looking.
  18. I wanna see more pics of those deadheads that one closest to the tail gate looks wicked
  19. Right in the face "IN the face" quote some movie I saw was funny as crap. heres my take on it, you had a heck of a time and saw a ton of deer both big and small. you hunted hard which is more then most guys will get to do in a lifetime. killing a buck big or small has nothing on what you did and Saw. I have more fun getting out seeing a ton of game then I do shooting them more memories too. BUT dang you got some awsum pics in this thread and found a few dead heads as well what more could a guy want. Congrats on your hunt I thought it was freaking awsum
  20. Idgaf Are you saying your hunting transgender deer? Well It is in the back country anything could happen.
  21. Well I got my 14 hours in I am heading home. I'll caqtch the end of this in a few. idgaf awsum thread so far thanks.
  22. Wife said it was hard to see as he had the shrivel factor going on pretty good, I was laughing so hard I almost ended up off the road in the snow. shes yelling stop stop
  23. You by chance werent wearing a Santa hat were you? I took a buddy from out of state and dropped him off for the week to hunt up in 22, a week later wife and I go to pick him up and as we were leaving 5 miles from the main hyway there was a guy camping in the snow butt a ss nekid only wearing a santa hat waving to us.
  24. Dude shower are for women and kids, you should have gone NINJA Comando
  25. Its cool this allows me to stay at work longer and run some parts that are hot.. kinda breaks the manotny so to speak. longer he holds ut the more parts I get finished tonight