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Everything posted by Delw

  1. Delw

    Classic knives.

    This could be a cool topic. Dad left me a big box of knives he collected over his lifetime from different parts of the world. Dont know if any are rare considered old or what not. they are some pretty cool ones regular ones and some extreamly nice hunting knives. I'll try to remember to grab some pics this week. was going to get a plaque built to display them all just havent yet. some look to be pretty standard knives that sold everywhere and some not.
  2. And by 9 out of 10 different genders too ;) Dont flatter yourself the response was for everything in general. That tweet was just bs like anything in twatter and fagbook. most people knew that and I am sure AZ8 did also
  3. I cant I have been fishing from a very young age. lots of people go 1-3 people in a boat, if its your family who cares you all goto the same house anyhow drive together etc etc. besides most fishing boats are 16+ feet long. the rule was just another stupid rule.
  4. Dude the liberals love people like you. While the flag tweet is kinda stupid as I like specifics. the non essential stuff is not UNTRUE. the funny part is whats defined as essential and whats not and who defines it. its all bullshit to begin with. if someone needs some clothes who f'n cares, what about things you need to do around the home before the lock down you didnt have time, now with the lock down some people do have time but yet there not allowed to buy it. Its kinda bullshit and not necessary. the dems in big cities are a f'n joke as well as some republicans. They created this panic and thats exactly what it is , Panic for no reason at all. you start telling people what they can and cannot due, where they can and cannot go its going to get ugly. For the most part people understand the social distancing but what does social distancing have to do with making people stay at home, not letting them buy items that are NON Essential. someone goes to a beach away from others , there ticketed and or arrested, go walking down the street or hiking trail or nation Forrest with out a mask there fined or arrested., drive in a car by yourself there fined or arrested. according to Ca they can charge you with Domestic terrorism for doing such a thing.They haven't yet that I know of but it was threatened they would. The Mp"s are issuing $10 fines to military personnel if there closer than 6 feet with or with out masks. Even driving in your car with a friend to chow hall $10 bucks even if wearing a mask. I know a few that have been fined. Last week on a military base in Ca which I will not name if your caught with out a mask they can can charge you with "Treason". Thats what they told them last week. true or not I dont know forsure. I do find it a bit much and tend to think its not true. funny part about this is they still train together, driving in military vehicles together during training etc etc Military personnel are also allowed to leave there base, but have to stay with in a 25 mile limit. Then you have do gooders calling 911 for stupid shoot , WHY because the liberal states TELL YOU TO. thats a good start to cause Kaos and tension between people. Most people in the big cities are dumb , cant think for them self and have no common sense and will obey the officials. people think its bad this year wait till next during the next flue season, your going to see big city govs shutting down business's schools and passing out money right and left. Why because they saw it could be done with this virus.
  5. Ca washington colorado few stores on the eastern USA were doing it as well. saw a link in yahoo and on fox last week that had them listed. heres a quick one i found https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/walmart-costco-and-target-stores-in-these-areas-are-barred-from-selling-nonessential-items/ar-BB12oVSY
  6. No its kinda true, but Flags were not singled out. A few states are closing down sections of stores, Cosco walmart and others to only food and medicine.
  7. Delw

    Big horn sheep range?

    sorry it was west clear creek he came out of. added heres some pics and the note I got from brian at AZG&F may of 2008 https://www.azbasszone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63590&highlight=bighorn+sheep
  8. Delw

    Big horn sheep range?

    They will go a long way to find a pc of butt. bunch of years ago one came out of verde drainage( i think it was) walked down the west side of I-17 and hung out at lake pleasant marina.
  9. some of these states are going a tad too far. but they have too cause these states are full of stupid people. I mean look who they voted for
  10. Delw

    2 Bobcats

    Great vid. that 1st cat had really nice color
  11. Delw

    Effects of the virus scare?

    without an Emergency stop button
  12. Delw

    Anyone growing a corona beard?

    on the other side, everybody's wives and girlfriends are probably going "haha I aint shaving either since I aint leaving the house."
  13. Delw

    Anyone growing a corona beard?

    Thats funny. I remember shaving about 4 months after our youngest daughter was born, freaked the kid out. I wasnt able to hold her let alone feed her for 4-6 months after that.
  14. Delw

    Remington 700 SPS .243 Win * SOLD *

    9 1/8" or 9 1/4" twist these are pretty accurate rifles
  15. Delw

    FYI lake and AZGFD

    they closed the north lake ramp aka castle ramp permanitaly the 10 lane is open but closed at 8pm below is a link. https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/covid-19/ most ramps are still open at most lakes, just no camping. sag and canyon some guys are fishing it some say closed rosy if open in a few places, alamo is open
  16. Delw

    Time for America to take ACTION

    elkaholic should be embassed to post/spread this f'n bullshit. fagbook once again. What is it with you Fagbook Fags read the date of the f'n post and by some dipshit in the city of brandon MS https://www.facebook.com/Brandon042/posts/2302102030092828 as of todays date 4/6/2020 Mississippi Total Cases 1,738 Total Deaths 51
  17. Delw

    Time for America to take ACTION

    its bogus make believe the world is coming to an end anonymous fictitious emails, postings what ever the heck you want to call them is freaking people out. I am guessing this email was written by a 19 -26 year old still living in mommas basement who is a bearnie sanders supporter.
  18. Delw

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Unfortunately we try to do that every election and it hasnt worked
  19. Delw

    Effects of the virus scare?

    you know he might just have the antidote in his blood, but would you really want some of that DNA in your body?
  20. Delw

    Micrometer seating die ?

    I bought one a long time ago I think it was a redding maybe lyman(it was a odd name at the time) for my 300 winmag, wasnt a big deal to me. too many variables in most loaders to worry about .005 seating depth as discussed in another thread earlier. They do have dies made with them and some have addons. if you know what your seating plunger threads are lets say 1/4-28 you can figure it out with the set up you have. 1/28 = .0357 per full revolution, 20 threads per inch is 1/20= .050 per revolution. etc etc. be cheaper just to get know how many threads per inch is the screw and us that
  21. Delw

    Anyone have Kinfolk in Tennessee?

    Tweety bird ,spotted owl, seal, dont make no difference of course that would be evidence against you but it would make a great thread for the rest of us, otherwise yote fox dove elk deer anything thats legal or kinda legal
  22. Delw

    Anyone have Kinfolk in Tennessee?

    I think we need to have a challenge this year, anything and everything killed needs to be have a picture taken with power lines in the background. screw the huge antler pics as that gets boring. Then we can score them at the end of the year.