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Everything posted by Delw
Its not that the were man enough, they were dumbass's the real dumbass was the one who put a rifle scope on a pistol, it should have been a LER scope (long eye relief scope aka Pistol scope). I had a 45-70 too in a super14. BTW the 300 min mag kicks harder than the 45-70. in the tc stuff.
they have a decent flame however its like watching the burner on a gas stove or a can of Sterno. nothing replaces a campfire smoke smell rocks and wood popping etc etc. might as well just download a campfire for your phone or tablet and gather the lawn chairs and watch it, at least you will have sound simulated campfire sound.
I thought about it but the Nigerian goats are too Aggressive, I prefer the smaller Ethiopian goats ;)
figured I would pass this along since I saw it on another site. it happedn to perk my interest cause I know I had some accurate in one of the safes. and sure enough the only one I had was this one just not sure on the lot as it wasn't visible so I dumped it. brand new sealed bought in 2009. opened it up didnt smell like normal powder but I never smelt accurate powder either. Http://www.accuratepowder.com/
I am sure Amanda has more than enough room to host this site. The database files generally dont include the pictures and videos they go usually in a separate folder. If it does it should be changed back to non database storage or the host of the site needs to better watch the limits on what they set the database on( I don't remember our database having any limits). Deleting posts and users because they post once or twice doesn't make any difference in the amount of space it adds, its so minute. Had this database shoot happen on AZBZ a long time ago its was a freaking mess to fix.I'd rather have ragheads hack it then database issues. definitely feel for her frustration.
Not trying to be a dick here. Ruger #1's hold good resale however They gotta be perfect. That one you have is some of the Prettiest wood I have seen on a factory #1. personally I would send it to a very good gun smith and have them reblue it and refinish the stock. Ruger may due that also. if you do Dont get rid of that stock they can restore it like new. and dont send it to some Hack to get fixed because its cheaper send it only a gunsmith that highly recommended by mainly people. ruger could do the metal work with no problem and be able to do a good reblueing job. the wood I dont think they could you'll probably need to find a quality stock maker. or you could just buy a new ruger #1 stock. not one from the normal commercial guys cause frankly they suck and you can tell its not quality, but there are guys who specialize in super nice wood for these and the fit and finish is superb. The guy I bought my 416 rigby off of had a #1 stock he bought from a guy cheap ($500) I offered him $800 and he wouldnt take it. he had offer of 1.5K for the stock it was special type wood that someone at ruger actually used the machines at the ruger plant to cut it to fit. not saying you have to go that elaborate for a nice stock.
That wood on the butt stock is sweet looks like my 416 rigby. you wouldn't happen to know what year that is would you? mid 90's? All mine but the .243 6mm remington and .300 winmag are safe queens, I still have a few that havent even been fired yet.
Looks like Ballistic Jelly to me
it wouldnt make any difference if I was you or not, because I like hunting both units and then some.
You clowns and sitting at water LMAO. and who the heck said find a dry hole in AZ after 3 weeks of no rain? you hunting in down town phx?. dude that the monsoon season the only place that doesnt get rain is the phx valley. Glass or run around in your truck on the dirt roads you's find them, there not as thick there as they are on the east side of the freeway but there in there. you will generally see them in the roads and hour before sunrise and as the sunsets and 2-3 hours later. fun area to hunt some decent bucks in there. just not as deery as other areas close by. its rough as crap in most places too. one other thing, if you go on top then its all private land pretty much but there is a few roads where you can get off the private and into the state land. and lots of deer cause they love the private land up there but do venture out occasionally. beware that there are a ton of private property in on the east side of that hill from I-40 down to almost wicki-up. upper and lower trout creek on the west side are better hunting.
Chuck it in a drill it will be more even and you will get a better finish. also DONT GO HIGHSPEED but dont go slow either. wet and dry sand paper with some oil or wd40 will give you a very smooth finish. it woulnt take much pressure or time. I dont do much pistol reloading as I dont shoot pistols that often. used to in the 80s and 90's. Anyway I thought I read/saw somewhere a while back that companies were offering different style seater rods for different types of bullets. as theres so many different styles of pistol bullets.
gotcha, I understand now on the take apart thing. on the ogive thing I get that on alond of different calibers both rifle and pistol depending on what bullets , copper or lead doesnt make a different.. this is usually caused by the seater rod and the cup it has that pushes the bullet down.. take a pcs of sandpaper like 400 grit and polish the edge if it, also makre sure withs cleaned out as the shape inside builds up over time. the other way you can get that is if your bullets are taking alot of pressure to insert into the brass. which could be misalignment, not even bell on the case or the seater die itself is dirty making the bullet tougher to seat, it can also me the dia of the lead bullets if your problem is with lead bullets. lead bullets vari alot from manufacturer to manufacturer
I got a carbide set last week in 45acp and 223. Ive run lee carbide dies since they came out in .357, 9mm.308 .300 win mag and a few other cals that I really dont use and never had problems.. i dont see how these will be any different. one thing if you run lead bullets you will still have to clean the lead out just like other dies Can you explain tinkering a little better
I had it since early feb, so did a few others I know we did friends agree as well. yes highly contagious. I get hit back every 3-4 weeks with bones aching so bad I cant move and slight fever and just dozing off at work for no reason. caught it from daughter who came back from penscola marine base or when she went to pendalton. or SIL or he came from 29 palms bones hurt so bad I cant even bend my one knee then it goes away and I can bend it like a gymnast. I have never had knee problems. I have gotten quite a few 18-24 hour naps and not wake up. thats the only part of this sickness I like is the sleeping part. I dont get sick and neither do the people I know, nor do we have allergies. I pop 2 mucinex D (the ones you have to sign for behind the counter) when I start feeling lousey. Next morning I feel like a million bucks for a few weeks. I think I am up to 5 times this year taking the pills. last 2-3 years I took 2 oh BTW now your a "survivor", but just before the election if you change it to a "Victim" the dems may give you some more money LOL
yeah but in doing so the cat then just shreds it and you have to use tweezers to pick it up and wipe your butt, takes a bit of time for that morning dump. the other way you just grab one end on the way into the crapper wipe and your done. At the very least the cat will follow it then you can wipe using the cat. Every cat owner knows that LOL
Well at least you finally woke up and figured it out. most realistic people knew what was going on years and years ago. Id expect a post lkike yours from someon in the mid 30's just never figured someone that was 50 didnt know until recently.
Those swiss army knives are the shoot!!! I have a ton of them they made them in all different sizes back in the 90's too. O have one tahts the size of a cigarette pack weights a ton but has everything in it. I'll see if I can find it. I put is away for safe keeping years ago and see it every once in a while
51 years old and you are just now terrified for this country, you been living in moms Basement? if it doesnt return to better than it was after nov. we deserve it. (we meaning the people who vote for idiots in office). Flattening the curve was a good idea at the time. some states took it to far again look at the people they voted into office. Social distancing was a good thing most of us older than 51 crowd been doing this for years.
Dad got that as a retirement gift in 1996 from a employee friend when he retired for the 3rd or 4th time from the same company. the end of the Handle has a small plate with date and retirement info. its pretty nice I missed one picture of it i'll post it when i get home tonight
lmao love it
Thats pretty cool, good luck on the sale. If you happened to find one growing out of a power line pole I'd be interested ;)
Heres a few I pulled out I have some more in the safe but there all basically the same lots of DU ones as Dad was a huge DU supporter and never missed a meeting, dinner or fundraiser and went to them all over the USA. I know nothing about knives. The Japanese one he got me back in the 60s I believe. the military ones were his when he went to Nam and japan. I have a few more K-bars he brough home for me when I was a kid and a few if I recall green handle? bayonets. I got a ton of old bucks I have beaten up over the years that were bought for me as birthday gifts, always left them in the truck or packs, the black cased one in the picture I got snowed in hunting in the cascades, ended up leaving that and a watch a 22 rifle and some other stuff when I hiked out and left my bronco there. got the bronco about 3 months later the knifes and other stuff I found the next spring