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Everything posted by Delw
Thats wild. our business tax guy did his tax's back in the late 80s and 90's we saw the suns gorilla guy alot in passing and waiting. I just cant picture that guy as Brady, the suns gorilla gave us tickets to the game one time also. Never new his name just the "suns gorilla"
Lots of Kids out there with severe handicaps , April and Anthony know alot because of Anthony and the groups April used to run way back when for disabled and handicap kids, when he turn 21 he started going to the peoria rec center they have a ton of Adults with handicaps. They have a really good program for disabled and Handicap adults. dances , movies feild trips arts and crafts bingo stuff like that. Heck Anthony has more of a social life than most people. he's always on the go. feel real bad for these kids, being couped up they just cant afford to get sick (any sickness is almost deadly to many of them.
he was a pretty big boy, I dont know what he weighs now he lost alot of weight from what they say on the show over the years. , Homberg is always giving him crap about blood pressure and stuff. They been updating every once in a while but I miss it or cant hear it with machines running. somewhere I have some pics of Him and Anthony at u fest, oldest daughter took them years ago and Anthony hung out with those guys and some wild bands, kinda funny seeing a 4 foot tall kid with a crew cut in that group. he was the only one with with out tats and piercings. yes he is / was
Yeah unfortunately we dont realize it till we have kids of our own and until we hit our mid to late 30's on how cool our parents were. Specially those parents from the 40-early 70's era. I was really fortunate, I got to see parts of the world (through My Fathers military career ) and Dad always let me try anything said the only way I could learn was by doing it. He was always there if I got into trouble, or did something stupid. Granted it would be an butt whoopin or a stern talking too. A parent is just a guide to a Childs life, there going to do what ever they want wether you say yes or no.
Stainly ,Curtis, Edge very cool pics.
Heres one of Dad and I fishing for Wahoo in chi chi jima Japan in 1963. he was stationed there for a few years. dad passed away in 2010.(20+ years in Navy) one thing My Father always did was make sure when he went hunting, Fishing, camping scouting etc was to ask if I wanted to go no matter how many times I disappointed him or I was mad at him for this or that. Loved him for that and did the same thing with all 3 of my kids.
My 2004 chevy only came with a cup heck I didnt start smoking till I was 30
Thats awsum catfish My daughter did the same thing got it friday. she has all the pics from when she was a baby saved , sent me a Fathersday card with a collage then each one printed out in a 8x10. these 2 I hadnt seen in her collection. she "rescued" the rock dove from the cat in the back yard and this one is her Brother and said cat. that ate the "rescued bird on her bed that evening LOL
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Yeah thats pretty stupid and slobbish dont understand that crowd either and I smoke. Thats what ashtrays are for.... Oh wait most Car companies quit putting real ashtrays in vehicles a long time ago to appease the anti smokers Thats what coke cans are for
some person could do the same thing with a cigarette. in the hood I live theres just concrete , stucco and metal, I have to worry about the few neighbors who are year long Vacationers from south of the border that shoot weapons out in the back yards during there weekly circus parties. used to have to worry about the cop behind us that would do it also, but he must have gotten a raise and moved uptown as he hasnt lived in the hood for a few years now. Never forget the time Opening morning of Dove season heard a shotgun blast at like 3:30 in the am I was going to work. wife called the cops. they called back it said one of there cops that lives on the street called it in and it was kids playing with a firecracker. I drove by and he and his neighbor were out loading there truck and laughing.
we have them going off in our hood also for a few weeks. but there not the ones you buy here in AZ. I have no problems with fireworks, people just gotta use some common sense.
I saw it coming home from work today on the bridge on 67th ave going over grand, can still see a good chunk of smoke from the bush fire too
Yeah wife bought a bunk of pork shoulder butts this AM, said they were like a buck a pound or something like that. she got all excited till she got home and I said remember the smoker took a dump a few months ago. guess I'm going to have to buy another one soon. we did it on the grill long ago before we had the smoker, took a full bottle of propane but dang it was good. grill took like 14-15 hours for 2 huge butts. On the bright side good thing our daughter wrote down the rub recipes and bbq ones that her and I made since she was 13. She loved coming up with different concauksions of bbq sauce and rubs.
neither were the EMT guys and girls in glendale today, but they never have since day 1, didnt see any FD guys today they never wear masks either. did see some south of the border landscapers wearing them in the convience store 1st time for that one. for as min I thought they were going to rob the place My all time favorite is Moms wearing a mask and the 6pack of kids each one has running around the store like rugrats do none wearing masks snotty noses and all.
dang this hasnt sold yet. bet it will when you come through phx. sweet rifle
ross outdoors in the phx are somewhere corner archery northern and 51st ave glendale azarcheryclub deervalley road and 11th ave I havent seent he new bowtechs the last 2 years, kids got a couple 2-3 years old there pretty sweet but she is a bowtech fan, I still have my Experiance that I like.
Years back I bought the ripcord Daughter had the quad pro. I had nothign but problems with the ripcord even they even put 2 others ripcords on my bow but still had problems. (bowtech experiance) so I switched to a quad, daughter has 3 quads one them on her 2 hunting bows and bought a 3rd to try it out on one of her target bows. she dropped about 6-7 points (low mid 290's) score wise with the quad and lost her x count by half. which in all honesty aint to bad for a drop away rest on a precision target bow.
most of the general public that lives in the city, and he's 100% correct. guys like the forum members who go outdoors are really not the problem. its the city people that go out and trash everything. most of us get pissed about it just driving down the road while hunting or fishing we have all seen it Garbage everywhere, careless fools who are just slobs most of it is from our lifetime Vacationers from the south., then you have the idots who come out and target shoot stuff not picking up there trash and not a care in the world. most people from the country dont do these things, the methheads and crackwhores do, you can spot them a mile away.
Dustin none needed. It was mainly to big10 and thomc and a few others why I put your name in there lets just call it a covid min LOL. I usually disregard most everything coming from a person in certain professions that are telling people WHAT They'd better do. Why because they are biased (ie doctors, lawyers, cops, fire dept, teachers, obviously the news media and politicians) .and make things more extreme than they are.
mesa mayor is suppose to sign monday heres and updated list updated list az family
heres the phx rules, kinda faulty arent they?
Also in your Del fantasy, you left out the part were the 2 poker friends stopped off at a gay bar, came home and gave each others wife aids. You have me pegged wrong, I dont play poker and I have few friends, not to mention those friends that I do have dont carpool as that wouldnt be Manly The problem is from your posts dustins and few others. is that you are relaying the msg wrong via guilt trip with ONLY your so called experience in a hospital system. contrary to what CDC and what other people with MORE knowledge and experience than you have. This is why They Recommend wearing a face mask, theres a huge difference in recommending and down right accusing people of spreading the virus for not wearing one. no to mention most EXPERTS are still up in the air about how its transmitted and too what extent. Telling people they are making poor choice while stating that your doing everything right and others are not, is bullshit, kinda like saying your crap dont stink and everyone else does, Im a better person than your are etc etc.
I see people wearing them in the cars every once in a while and I always laugh and wonder if there the guys laying in bed with a rubber on at night alone too.