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Everything posted by Delw
Fishing Forums were fun back in the day. AZBZ couldnt be beat PERIOD!. others tried it and failed. there wasnt a fishing forum west of the Mississippi better than AZBZ and it was basically just a state website. The problem with a fishing forum is the old guys are just gone, Older guys meaning guys who like to have a good time and horse around, dont get butthurt at every little thing etc etc. A Good forum is a Community of people that you may or may not know from all walks of life and bullshit about everything. NO moderation no rules. today most people are selffish, they only come to a forum for one thing and thats to get an easy answer on where to catch fish to hunt ie the good spots with out any work finding them. They want the satisfaction of the kill so to speak with out any work or effort. there is no sharing knowledge so to speak no horsing around. or they come to sell something. It takes participation from everyone to make a good forum doesnt make any difference on what the subjects are. CW is one of the last of the good forums around, hopefully it stays that way. people just dont want to talk about fishing or hunting it gets old fast and frankly thats whats boring and why so many forums fail aside from rules and moderators. But people have to participate not just go in and take take take like our society is going right now. Times have changed FGBOOK and TWTER are what changed it and long with society all for the bad. It created Susans. I kinda saw what I call the start of the cancel culture many years ago on azbz and a few other fishign and hunting forums. a guy would get butthurt/offended about something someone said online. they would then make a post saying call his sponsors and bitch about him. Cant remember who that was. but the guys sponsor was a friend of mine the guy involved I really didn't know. The sponsor basically told the susans to f'k off. it started getting more and more on alot of forums pretty sad. this is why we cant have nice things anymore. Miss the good old days for sure.
Youll like it, dont forget the fires still going so access might be limited, you may have to drive towards the north rim park, then just after the big fields a general store on the east, you will see a main gravel road that says Big springs take that back north. thats the long way but its south of the fire. Theres 3 main roads that are good to remember(forget the names of hand. I call the the big springs road, middle road and the highway. the big springs road meets the paved road where I said above. then about 1-2 miles up from that the middle road will come into play. deer will be everywhere in the tall pines this time of the year, there out in the low sage and scrubs also. I got m old maps from way back when somewhere around here if I think of it I will look for them. one thing to remember TAKE 2 SPARES, you get one flat your ok you use your spare and get a flat you can be f'd for a few days. watch where you drive so you dont get stuck and the rocks up there are sharp not round like down here. if you get one flat you head to ferdonia to get it fixed immed., I dont care how much fun your having. matter of fact might want to carry a plug kit and air pump and bring 5 gals of water too. getting stuck and having to drink out of a seep or stock tank isnt fun nor healthy.
Kanab creek is a blast to hunt, Ive walked the entry point to maybe 7-10 miles for 3 days and hunted it during the archery season. lots of deer. theres a road just south of it just before bigsprings/magnum camp) that goes west that will get you on top and edge about 4 miles in. cause 1-2 miles in walking the bottom of the canyon you aint getting to the top very fast its sheer cliffs. its a fun back pack trip when your young, and you find lots of sheds. right on the edge on the top. but dont discount that little spot on the border right over the cattle guard off the main road we seen some nice bucks there every year and one really cool non typical.
one back when the Cap canal was going in or just finished(late 80s'?, big nice bull to. right behind whitetanks. then later a few years one was spotted by the nuke plant
No they have to BOW
Yeah that way, but if it gets that much snow you wont be hunting very far down that road anyway. youll be lower at the north end of the unit. and the western ends of the units. They do keep that road pretty clear at least to big springs and there are plenty of places to hunt north and west of that. to be honest if snow was that deep, i would hunt right at the cattle guard on the main road border, that canyon on the west end is loaded when the snow gets deep. also loaded during the archery season. depending on when the heavy snow comes in will depnd on how far west you go. hunted up there one year and they had just closed the main highway to Jacobs lake. I knew a few roads bypassed the gate and went back on the highway went to my planned spot. 3+ feet of snow when I woke up thursday am, hunt was friday no one got in. Dad had to go around through ferdonia. we hunted our little area then went off the ridge and west. had dang near the whole unit to ourselved till sat evening.
I was just leaving work, never heard of it either . went to you tube and found this by judy garland? https://youtu.be/ok5R9wDc44k https://youtu.be/ok5R9wDc44k <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ok5R9wDc44k" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
So whats the verdict you get the Crud or not? the neighbor shop boss got his test results back yesterday showed a false positive? what ever that means, so they did the swab up the nose test and he's waiting for his results on that one. guy who works for him said his boss was kinda sick felt like after a hard work out. hes in his low 30s
Dont make excuses for these fools. you are fine with a .243. shoot i'd use my 22-250 or 220 swift if I got drawn. oh wait I have and had. listening to these fools will have you second guessing yourself when you take the shot. so DONT buy into there typical I would use this or that. just make sure you can hit what you aim at the distances you feel comfortable and your good to go. think of it this way you make a bad shot with a 300 winmag your still going to be tracking same goes for any caliber.
they used to sell the firecrackers(ones that go pop) at the tents, they were on a roll and lasted a long time. but they took those off because someone could get hurt. now all you can get is flaming sissy crap in my opinion its just just like sparklers the FGbook and twtr crowd seems to like it. the crackers are not a fire hazard never really have been , but due to stupid people its a injury product, kinda like scissors and a butter knife so you cant have them. have to goto NM for that. buddy went to texas a few weeks ago and got us a shoot pot of them on his way back in NM. we usually toss them in each others shops to kinda brighten the day. 50 bucks will buy you a bunch then one of the places has buy 1 get one free deal this whole week. Daughter last year did it before she went to bootcamp. I gave her 100 bucks and she came back with a truckload as she found the 50% deal. kids started at like 6pm and they were finished by midnight with plenty left over. I think the 4 of them bought 500 bucks worth plus my 100 and all got 2 for one. I love the bottle rockets but dont shot those off do to the fire danger as its not in your control once its lit. now I find out Kid cant come to phx for the 4th so its just me an Anthony to get easly amussed but he and I toss them into the neighbors shop everyonce in a while. They did it one time to use and I was checking a part Anthony was sweeping and the cat was laying on the floor. they opened door tossed one in then saw Anthony and the cat and tried to get it back LOL. cat didnt even jump nor Anthony. but he did say Payback dad.
Wow that sucks!! condolences to his family
Stick with your .243 and get 90 grain Nosler ballistic tips. youll be good out to 500 yard and then some if you can shoot. you already have the gun you know how it shoots so stick with it. besides why waste money unless of coarse you want to.. if your on the west side I have a thousand+ or so rounds of loaded ammo you can try out. I probably got some heavier weights also as I have tons of .243 stuff cause its Primarily what I shoot besides my 300. other wise pick up a box of the noslers go to range and shoot it, try a box of other brands as well and see what groups best for your gun.
Yes heard last week my old next door neighbor, he was a healthy 70+ year old. his wife got it also in her 70s she didnt get sick, there son got it he is in hit 40? he was sicker than a dog and in hosptiol hes out now from what I was told.
As your question in your title, personally I think its BS but as long as its legal nothing I can do about it., I dont believe in using cameras for hunting. Thats just me. seeing the pictures is cool though I will admit that. as far as the stand, stand or no stand if I like the area and no one is physically on it when I get there I'm hunting the area. Ive seen a sign a few times over the years were some of these dudes have the balls to put up a time saying when they are hunting that area. some even park a vehicle close by and leave it un attended for a day or 2 trying to reserve there spots usually its the guides that have many friends helping there clients.
for sure, its really screwed up our economy. wish the stuff didnt turn into a political game thats the scary part who does one believe? I mean you cant trust anyone anymore on this thing. Even those you think you should Trust like doctors dont have the same answers and turned it political. Only people I feel I can trust are the people I know. then they have to be in my age group for me to feel comfortable about it. I got that bad flu back in 2008/07 I ended up with Phenomena . I know if I ever got phenomena again I wont make it. I barely made it last time and a friend that did get it the same time I did died( him dieing was the only reason I went to hospital) Like I said when this all started. I think its blown out of proportion howevere there is something in the back of my head that says its not. that sucks. I dont know whats worse knowing you have it or not knowing and just wondering if you do. guy next door was telling me his boss is getting tested his bosses wifes coworker has it I believe he said boss's wife has it as well(cant remember), They havent seen him for a week as he hasnt been to work as he is always sick or taking the a few days off.
Dont worry gay bars are still open
yeah no kidding. all of a sudden , I know lots of people that have gotten it in the last 8-10 days. be forethat very few. dont know anyone deathly sick yet and Hope I dont. but some people i know did get pretty sick, some just didnt feel well. hopefully none end up int he hospitol. bad part there all in the ages from 40-60. been bothering the wife she locked the doors to the shop today, we even mentioned to our daughter not to come to phx over the 4th weekend. she wasnt really planning on it but she was thinking about it. She said some parts of CA by san diago lots of people are getting it now too. gotta be the a/c and people being back to work for the most part.
I got the coveted Bc777PW tag. any species anytime no limit. going to petition the commission and see if I can get the neighborhood portion as well ;)
Exactly the north of the canyon hunts are an absolute blast and the scenery is amazing along with the amount of deer you will see.
Then your just being dumb. WhyTF would you tell someone to quit his job if they dont get to hunt (he has he has up to 10 days).. I'll tell you why cause its no skin off your back like others. like others spouting off about it. you have no clue what the kid does for work, you dont know his situation or anything about him. other than he is a 19 year old kid and has 2 good tags.
Dont listen to these clowns as far as quitting your job, turning in a tag. there just dumb and old. you can do both especially at your age your only 19. you have every weekend till the hunt starts to start scouting. leave friday after work come back sunday evening. both you and your brother go to ease the drive time wether he drives or just keeps you awake. Ive done many 12a west hunts in a weekend like every weekend during the archery hunts back i the day when It was OTC. did a few 13 hunts as well but thats pushing it. even at 20-25 did it in a 1972 dodge colt and a 1969 rs ss Camaro a few years as well as a 85 s-10 all 2 wheel drives. the dodge colt I could get back way past indian hollow and pretty much anywhere including the top of snake gultch. the camaro just on the 3 main roads that go south from jacobs lake and a few side roads. you can pretty much set up camp anywhere in all those units. you dont need a designated spot. work may give you 10days that makes 16 days counting weekends if you scout and use your time wisely well before the hunt you will know the area well, know where your going to camp etc etc. unit 10 you can scout easy in a few weekends as its a short drive. go up have a good time and congrats on your draws.
with fireworks
Congrats to your daughter, that is a nice looking ram and looks like she had a fun hunt.
my thoughts as well, they be back by hunting season. I usually hunt the west side of the freeway, great for bear and coues.
Bubba did it for 2 reasons, he will never have to worry about sponsors dropping him or getting DQ'd at any race. other wise with would be RACIST. definatly another smooleet. what grown man black man anyone for that matter would cry over a noose on public tv?