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Everything posted by Delw

  1. Delw

    loosing another Bashas

    I see they had Cherio's on sale too, do you normally get the munchies while playing with meat
  2. Delw

    Good Remington 1100 gunsmith?

    Then look at these 3 items I circled in red. also the bottom Latch could be an issue but I doubt it(ie bent or broken)
  3. Delw

    Good Remington 1100 gunsmith?

    While I was searching that I remembered this from a buddy he had a action bar break on him
  4. Delw

    Good Remington 1100 gunsmith?

    next time you take the trigger assembly out and the bolt out. look at the shell catch(for lack of better term and see if its broken. its about 4 inches long on the right side of the reciever down low, see if broke or loose. basically its spring metal that is staked in, in 4 spots. if its broke or loose that may cause a jam. I havent had any of mine part in forever so I might be forgetting sme things. I'll see if I can find a print online somehwere. generally the only thing that causes jams on a 1100 is the gas rings. but broken parts do as well but its rare.
  5. Delw

    Good Remington 1100 gunsmith?

    They generally dont Jam, even with light loads. more than likely its your gas rings, there broken or put in incorrectly. what loads are you using in it. Unscrew the forarm and take a picture of it lets see what the rings look like.
  6. Delw

    Some People’s Attitudes!!!!

    Ever since FGbk and Twter started craps been going down hill. Well besides women not in the kitchen like there suppose to be
  7. Delw

    Happy Labor Day

    Funny most of us work with tools all day then chit chat with tools after work
  8. Delw


  9. Delw


    creed is there anyway you can use your right arm to hold and then a Mouth release he used a shoulder mount to draw the bow. Eric bennet(spelling) lost his arm and is one of the best shots in the world compound and recurve as well. he might be able to give you some pointers. he wacked a deer a bunch of years ago to. I havent talked to him in a while but he used to be down at corner archery all the time edi go my right and left mixed up sorry
  10. Delw

    Some People’s Attitudes!!!!

    I'm betting Becker is a bed wetter
  11. Delw

    Some People’s Attitudes!!!!

    to what you said, over the years on forums especially in AZ it typically happens in the latter parts of the summer. used to happen on azbz also and always towards this time of the year. now you throw in the covid crap and the riot crap and then the political crap all over the news and peoples attitudes change. forums up in the northern part of the us have the same problem when everything is frozen late winter. its a yearly happens here every year as well, theres been posts about it for the last 2-3 years.
  12. Delw

    Mature Big Desert Muley Buck Down

    Ive seen some of the best archers screw up on shots on deer and elk, I would never fault anyone for that. anything can happen in archery. I am usually lucky I only hit there horns, but then I am a piss poor shoot with a bow too. I bet I hit over half a dozen bucks in 40 years in the horns in the early years and I practiced almost everyday at GCC when they had the archery range up.
  13. Delw

    Anyone wanna join me tomorrow?

    Figures LMAO Add'd edit, dude your are a dick, that Shadow proves it
  14. Delw

    Mature Big Desert Muley Buck Down

    Bro, so your saying it would be ethical on 135" buck? I'm unethical I would have flug arrows and just hoped for a hit my self then sort it out later
  15. Delw

    Mature Big Desert Muley Buck Down

    Nice buck you should really lighten up, I think they were just funnin in your 1st post. what is it now adays everyone gets all defensive about stupid crap and the new terms thrown around like "RUDE" Disrespectful" etc etc. is this a younger generation thing or what?
  16. Delw

    What does he score???

    Im pretty good at these games, I am going to say 178+ or - 5 with 5-6 inch bases. and you make a throat shot. ;)
  17. Delw

    Hunting Access From Highways

    if your going to hunt deer between on the hill going up to sunset dont park there. however there is one spot that has a gate right there and a decent access off the highway(right at pipe line I think it is. they been cranking down on the people who park there for any purpose due to all the crashes and traffic, which is too bad that was a awsum hill to hunt from with the freeway access. the hill from oak creek turnoff to just above stoneman lake turnoff, theres a few spots you can pull well off the highway shoulder and into the gravel. sometimes you will get a sticker sometimes they wont bother you. Ive pull off to the center lane way off a few times and ran across the freeway to some areas I normally hunt above stoneman lake turnoff. good bear spots ;) I have put a piece of paper on the windshield under the wiper saying, got ride to flag. buddy made the mistake of doing it on a nice piece of cardboard in black sharpie and when he got back there was a note on back of the card from DPS saying "making signs from home dont count good luck!" one thing you have to watch for is thieves.
  18. Delw

    My power line buck

    Is that a Indian burial ground to the right just behind the deer.. BTW congrats to you
  19. heres some road deer, except the unicorn deer he hangs out in the parking lot of JD dam. some of these pics were taking last day archery deer and opening day of archery elk in unit 8 walking the roads to or from hunting spots. the bigger bucks (dark pics) were walking down the road then walked into the forrest on last evening last day of hunt. the brighter ones in the scrubs were taking on the other side of the road of our camp opening day of elk if I recall. they was 4 of them together 2 small ones and 2 decent ones. I have a ton of pics of deer laying off the road, but generally there 3points or smaller during archery season.
  20. Dont rule out quad roads 2 track roads or fire roads for deer. they tend to hold lots of deer because they get lots of fresh grass when it rains.. dont take a quad or vehicle through them. walk down them. lots of deer hang around small roads
  21. Delw

    Anyone wanna join me tomorrow?

    This was tempting as I never been south of unit 33/32 since 82.
  22. Delw

    Hoochie Mama elk call

    HAHA I never quit and they alwasy work well, but I still use circe calls for varmits and they been working for 40 years
  23. Delw

    good bull

    Got weird? he's been like this for 10+ years, the guys on azbz ran him off, then on a little private forum they ran him off. ask Roosevelt mark who never did crap to the guy how weird he is..
  24. Delw

    good bull

    WTF????????????? you didnt come here till 2019. that was after I told you to quit spamming a private little fishing site. I put the free dog up in a forsale ad because a very very close friend of mine was extreamly sick, The dog was old, you called me a few months later and said it might have cancer, i said put it down its old and not fair to the animal.