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Everything posted by Delw

  1. Delw

    "Not going back that way."

    LMAO, I gotta get speakers for the house pc, did she really think it was a dog?
  2. Delw

    "Not going back that way."

    He was in utah's State Canyon from what I saw online this am. looking for a vid that didnt need facebook permission it was pretty wild,Made my wifes heart jump a few times when I showed her a little bit ago on the computer in full size vid. Ive been a few yards with in cats a few times calling and they always turned around and ran when they saw me.
  3. he flinched cause he had a muzzle brake on ;) BTW nothing wrong with deadheads I love them when I find them.
  4. Delw

    "Not going back that way."

    That was intense. that cat followed him a long way. I dont have facebook but was able to view it via this link that isnt private https://www.facebook.com/westernmuleys/videos/645894496072104
  5. Delw

    WTB Ruger red label

    If that one doesnt work, hit up Cabelas they usually have one or 2 every few months in there gun library. Thats the only shotgun I want to add to my collection of O/U never have the cash when I see them though. I'm wanting to get the 12 and 20. had a 20 when they 1st came out and traded it for a varmit gun wish I would have never done that. The finish and workmanship on those red labels is right up there with old winchester 101's and the nicer citories. I really like the contours on them.
  6. Delw

    12aw late

    lots of big bucks killed in that area during the 80s and 90s. I'm not talking 3 or 4 talking dozens in the OTC archery season. Some very close friends shot some monsters and one shot 190 At least I thought he said that back in the late 90's with a early rifle tag. Was always fun to see people during the archery season pull up to jacobs lake with there bucks in the back, most came from the lower elevations in the sage and scrubs. we used to go to the lodge and eat just to see what was coming in and it was dang near an hours drive to were we were camped. I never missed 1 OTC archery deer season in the kaibab we stayed the whole season and then some. Like others said dont shoot the 1st one you see unless he's super big and your know it when you see it. if you stay away from people and the crowds like sowatts and jump up. you will have a better chance at tagging one you maybe have seen the 1st couple of days. where as sowatts and jump up as well as the burn there going to get shot as soon as there seen cause they are community spots Ie the entire hunting community
  7. Delw

    Trump tests positive for Covid-19

    https://youtu.be/0mI60iEdTCk Trumps quick the guy can be chewing chris Wallace and be correcting joe at the same time. Saw it on gutfield https://youtu.be/0mI60iEdTCk
  8. Delw

    300 win mag rifle opinions

    Had them sold all the rifles with them on and bought rifles with out them. had them on the 22-250 a few .243 and even a .220. still got one in the safe thats a 25-06 with one on and havent shot it from maybe late 80's early 90's. watching red mist is great in the smaller calibers but that crack will f you up. Oh yeah the .338 was the worse with a brake always wore ear plugs and muffs since I was a kid. I shot alot usually a few thousand rounds a weekend at pdogs and lots of .357. as a kid shooting skeet I shot and average of 500-700 rounds a week from the age 8 to the early 20's. only time I dont wear hearing protection is if I am out hunting unless its dove and sometimes quail then I wear it. My hearing is shot. 50+ years(dang I'm getting old) of shooting and driving with out a/c and your window down will kill your hearing. Recoil doesnt bother me even in 50's
  9. Delw

    Trump tests positive for Covid-19

    Kevin kids sure do help the immun system thats for sure we had 30 years of them. Never minded getting a sniffle here or there or even getting the flue. up until I was sitting at the desk one day sicker than crap never felt so sick in my life and was reading a PM via a friend of mine who told me to get to the hospitol cause a mutual friend passed away with the same crap I had. I did and ended up with Phoenomia (sp) in both lungs that was in may 2007? and it took me till November 2007? till I was able to walk up the boat ramp at lake pleasant. at the time when ever the kids got sick or the wife, I went and spent the nights at the shop until they were fine. That was that chinese pig flu that went around. lots of people got it and it did the same thing chinese Cough does now, however the chinese cough seems to be more contagious. I think its the same contagious wide but we will never really no. causes they made it political. As far as A/c its pretty simple big a/c units toss alot of air, most commercial systems run the old mesh style filter as the paper ones reduce airflow to much and there more expensive. heres a small example we had A/c put in at the shop 6 cnc machines in it 3 mills 3 lathes. the mills run 10k-12k rpms( had evaps in one bay with the mills) the 1st most I was getting a nasty tastes in my mouth then a few months later constantly blew my nose even thought I wasn't sick or felt sick.. about a month into it I went to change the Ac' filters noticed it was all sticky and semi clogged. the coolant mist was getting sucked up into the filters and then blowing back out the blower side. now I change filters 3 times a month and add'd a double filter. have one mistbuster and hopefully going to buy 2 more very soon. been much better the last 2 months
  10. Delw

    300 win mag rifle opinions

    NO brake they are for girls and FGBK people. next to the .243 its one of my Favorite rounds I been shooting them since the early 80's even brought them out p-dog shooting. thousands of rounds fired and I still dont flinch. I like the 26" barreled older rugers the 700 bdl's and ruger#1's in 300. but that just me. Had a remington 40xb in 300 that I used for long range stuff if I recall it had a 27" barrel and it was a tack driver. Brakes will kill your ears and everyone around you not to mention they will make you flinch
  11. Delw

    Trump tests positive for Covid-19

    I'm sure masks lower the odd's of getting it, but I am still betting the #1 spreader is the AC units/fans and Air systems in business's and homes. in that case a mask aint really going to work as its on your clothes skin hair etc etc read somewhere I think here that G&F said elk or deer have it also? there outside and dont hang around humans, then another article that said its in the water at the great lakes. if these articles are true masks dont help that much to keep it from spreading. the media plays doom and gloom with this stuff amongst other things to worry people and cause distress but in most cases to tear down a presidency and other people they dont like. its come to a point to were even scientist those in the KNOW of these things are playing games a group say no a group says yes. so who can you trust???? Absolutely NO one with any authority including docs and nurses. the only thing you can trust is your better Judgement and experience with other sickess's weve encountered over our life and you gotta do whats right for you. as far as Trump he was bound to get it like everyone else your almost certain to get it but how it affects your body is going to be different then everyone else. My Daughter is in Ca at Camp pendleton, every time her and her husband ( who is usuallay sick/sniffle )comes to visit(3 times) I get sick that following week , the one time she came by herself I didnt get sick. He's in infantry and with tons of people close quarters all day everyday and works out at gym alot, shes a Helo mechanic and doesnt work close to many people. Shes coming alone this weekend and I cant wait to see her. Even though its in the back of mind mine that I could get the china cough. Wife does the grocery shopping, our son and I dont do anything but goto work and we all hang at home, I hit the Qt every morning before work. when out in the store I wear a mask, Wife and the kid wear a mask. I have a pretty bad time breathing with a mask on so my trips to the store are pretty dang short. we went out to eat 3 times since this crap started FEB and only a 1/2 dozen times had take out or delivery. My point about when kids come to the house it was kinda like them being in school before the china cough. we always got a little sniffle here and there with the kids out of the house for the last 1.7 years we dont get sick not even a sniffle.
  12. Delw

    Trump tests positive for Covid-19

    I saw that too. just when this election got weird now its weirder. Cant wait to see the healines tomorrow. "Trump gives china cough to Biden, an investigation is pending Pelosi says"
  13. Delw

    Road Hunting discussion

    There is nothing illegal about it. as long as you dont shoot across the road. which is the tricky part cause the way they have them set up your bullet or arrow path will cross the road. I think it would be considered an invasive species IN washington state they did this over in morton(over by St helens) a life size cow elk and a buck deer. opening day of doe season and opening day of cow season. both didnt make it in the 1st few hours. some shot it on purpose knowing what it was..
  14. Delw

    New Mexico elk 2020

    good luck
  15. Delw

    Bull shot... what happened??

    yeah mine was a muley, I lost. but did see elk with in 30-40 miles of that location way back in the late 80's close to the park.
  16. Delw

    Bull shot... what happened??

    we saw him goto the edge then hang a left. we assumed he went down the other side in some timber. If I remember correctly I looked over the edge and said well he didnt go that way its a huge butt cliff then walked it to the left. My buddy a year later on the next hunt was glassing sitting on a rock the far hillside I was as well. he looked down and said " Theres white bones and a rack in that tree at the bottom of the cliff" I looked saw some white then we hiked down. I didnt think it could be the same one didnt even give it a second thought until I saw the Rack. The Warden confirmed it when we got it back to prescott a week later. add'd map pic If I remember correctly it was right here, I shot him just below the ridge. were almost sure we got pics of him days before the season opened. I still have over 30 rolls of film to get developed (hehe since 1992). or hes on vid which I have tons of old VCR tapes. we went through all the 8mm stuff and he wasnt on there that took about 2 years
  17. Delw

    Road Hunting discussion

    Agreed with Az but Utah aint nothing, Western Washington and the olympic peninsula State #1. Eastern Washington is a different story its like the rim here in Az People dont like to get wet and cold walking in 4-6 foot tall ferns. most deer and elk were shot out of a pickup bed while the kid was driving. that way you had a vantage point farther than 20 feet.
  18. Delw

    Rut Activity

    Fantastic vids
  19. Delw

    First Bull With A Bow

  20. Delw

    Bubba Shot a Bull

    Thats so cool, and that bull is wicked looking. congrats to you guys
  21. Delw

    Bird washing bucket on camofire today

    I had to look these up to see how they worked, seems like the "NEW" thing. there pretty freaking awsum.
  22. Delw

    Bull shot... what happened??

    PSSST I'd say the broadhead worked exactly like it should have, the elk was dead in 200 yards of were it was shot. They just couldnt find it. I thik alot of people assume the animal is a long way away when it takes off and they dont concentrate on areas where the shot it, Ive done it it sucks and its embaressing. Shot a real nice muley in the bab one year. wife was the 1st one up to it, it got up and ran. buddy found it the very next year hunting in the same spot not more than 50 yards from where I shot it. it jumped off a freaking cliff and was laying in the top of a scrub oak.
  23. Delw

    Bull shot... what happened??

    Cool that you found it, even cooler your dad Punched the tag not many people do that anymore.
  24. That will work much better than you had befor. just play with it for a week or 2 till you figure out where you want to move stuff and if you need to stiffen it up or not. loading takes time ti figure out what works best for you and they way you do things. If I had to do it all over again(and I'm not, well maybe while the c clamps look tacky dont worry about it until you know where you want your stuff positioned.
  25. Delw

    Sitting Water

    Always remember that the elk and deer have to get to water somehow, they dont magically repel from helo's. look for there travel paths and go 200 yards out or so., there last destination is the water hole cut them off before.