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Everything posted by Delw

  1. Delw

    Painted Euro mounts

    1st pic didnt like at all, second pic the same, 3rd pic Might have some possibilities to a sci-fi move type person. Cause its looks bad A$$ from a sci-fi stand point No offence. I am barely a fan of skull mounts unless they are found that way(ie dead heads)
  2. Delw

    Early Kaibab Rifle Reports???

    That yote pic is bad butt
  3. Delw

    Biggest Buck To Date

    1st thing I noticed as well
  4. Delw

    WTB bt99 or similar trap gun

    I still might be interested just not going to be this month
  5. Delw

    WTB bt99 or similar trap gun

    No hurry I was curious, if it takes a month or 2 its cool
  6. Delw

    Cookie bakery predicts President!

    I read the article earlier today it was pretty cool, actually thats probably a better more accurate poll than any other one. I guess tomorrow we will find out but just incase I lost all my Firearms in a boating accident a few months ago
  7. Delw

    WTB bt99 or similar trap gun

    pics, Gauge choke type ?? I'm a miroku fan even been to there factory in the 70's when I live in Japan
  8. Delw

    Raccoon calling

    Never called one in with a call, but fishing at night open a bag of chips and there crawling in the boat., we never had a problem finding them along the lakes with a spotlight. Fishing with a buddy one night at Bartlett by yellowcliffs were heard some nasty growling. turned the spotlight on in the boat and watched a bobcat getting the crap beat out of him by a coon in the water. Bobcat swam to the other side of the lake by yellow cliffs. Maybe a chicken call or eggs dropping on the ground might work
  9. Delw

    Gray wolf removed from endangered list

    Yeah thats what I have read on huntalk back when
  10. Delw

    46A East?

    There in there, but I believe they got thinned out pretty bad by the yotes around mid 90's. we used to hunt yotes in there often to hopefully help the lopes. game and fish use to ask people to do it. but this was back in the 80s and early to mid 90's
  11. Delw

    Foxpro Sounds

    Daughter and I called 2 bobcats same year in with the cotton tail something (very high pitched one) we used that most often for yotes as well
  12. Delw

    Roosevelt report

    Kinda reminds me of Bill Warmen "NEVER DOUBT ME"
  13. Delw

    Trail cameras and wildfire don't mix

    That was a pretty cool video you did. Never seen something like that before, Thanks for posting it The Bighorn Fire was a wildfire in the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6741/
  14. Delw

    54 miles

    If you would have driven a car to the garage sale instead of riding a bike you could have made it in one afternoon and 1 trip. heck a buss would have been even faster nice finds
  15. Delw

    Youtube thread. Post 'em up.

    one of my favorites https://youtu.be/cfwkBd23MJw
  16. Delw

    mountain lion mounts

    Congrats and great shot. Personally I would get a full mount, but to spicen it up a tad get ankle biter mounted in its mouth
  17. Delw

    Hunt Camp 2020

    Definitely sounds like a good time.
  18. Delw

    Coues buck with my recurve.

    Thats really cool congrats
  19. Delw

    Gray wolf removed from endangered list

    I'll be happy when they offer mexican wolf tags here in AZ. I wanna be the 1st to have a mount on the wall
  20. Delw

    My new 10/22 Kit

    Ruger doesnt make it, its an aftermarket kit using a ruger 10-22 receiver. the kit is made by scottwerx , brownells used to sell them along with a a few others.
  21. Delw

    WTB 1911’s

    My 1st 1911 was a series 70 gold cup NM in 9mm got it in 1982 got rid of it in 1982 cause I shot like crap. I ended up trading it to a buddy for a security 6 .357 mag 6" barrel. we were shooting one day and I said you wanna trade he was like heck ya. I shot his .357 and always hit what I was aiming at out to 50 yards, at 100 I could pop 4 out of 6 antifreeze jugs. the 9mm gold cup I couldnt hit paper at 25 yards. he had no issues. one of the worse trades I ever made, and I regretted it ever since. I have a para p-14 older one since the early 90's shot it maybe 3 times up until last year then started shooting it alot. I can hit what I am aiming at and love the pistol but still preferr a Revolver. dont get me wrong I love 1911's and I have a few I want to get still kimber another early gold cup the ruger and a spingfield and and maybe one of those nice race guns. i'm not a pistol guy.
  22. Delw

    First Backpack Hunt ???

    you might be over thinking it. 5-6 miles isnt a long way. also dependent on what unit your going to. you wont be far from the truck if need be. I agree with NOT weighing everything cause Lbs aint going to tell you anything. Take your pack with what you want and walk 30 min to an hour in the flat desert. if its too heavy dump a 1/4 of the stuff.
  23. Delw

    WTB 1911’s

    At a minimum a dozen