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Everything posted by Delw

  1. Delw

    223 AR

    So should it be ok for every sporting good business to spam a website? how about the restaurant industry there hurting really they can use all the publicity they can get right now. What it boils down to is Business's get free advertising on someone else's dime. Theres a whole section above that pay for that privilege on this forum and a few others.
  2. Delw

    223 AR

    The appropriate thing? WTF are you talking about. Why would I want to be a moderator. Maybe you should let the grown ups play
  3. Delw

    223 AR

    OMG are you one of these new Clown millennials that think a SPAMMER is an insult now, let me guess next youll tell me I am a racist. crap dude you better go back to fgbook and twtr you belong there. but just to be sure, you know the guy is a gun dealer correct?
  4. Delw

    Bobcat Vs Rattle

    Thats a very cool vid
  5. Delw

    223 AR

    So now its an insult? you shoot a cross bow by chance ;) I guess I have a different group of friends I hang out with we as you call it are equal opportunity insulters
  6. Delw

    223 AR

    No not mad. its kinda like a bunch of guys sitting there bullshitting and some unknown fool drives by , stops get out of his vehicle and the 1st words out of his mouth are Hey I'm selling this and that for XXX. then gets back in his vehicle and drives off. But I dont expect you too understand with 95% of your posts being in the forsale section and been a member for 18 years
  7. Delw

    Digital Calipers?

    I use mine 10-12 hours a day the batts have been in it for 2.5 years. the accuracy is still perfect .0005 if not better. of coarse I only use them for reference and open tol work. I also verify them with a block before every use. Been in this trade for 30+ years and Mits are one of the best inspection tool companies around. . I got the 8" and 12" ones
  8. Delw

    223 AR

    Wether he is great or not doesnt make any difference, he owns a business and he's spamming his shoot for comercial purposes, he might be a Great guy but he has no Charactor. This place already turned into a craigslist with people coming on only to sell and get deals. They have no interest in this forum what so ever except for the foresale section. i"m betting the foresale section in this board had grown 200% easy in the last 6 months, but all the other forums have the same people posting and maybe 1-3 new guys. People(The hundreds of new sellers and buyers with out any posts) come on here looking for ammo, guns and other stuff and always have some bullshit excuse most commonly "its for my kids hunt" is a f'n classic." they get what they need by one of the members and boom there done never to come back again. or they come to sell stuff at higher prices to make few bucks. you guys realize there is people on here that are buying your shoot(playing the poor poor pitiful me card) marking it up a bunch then selling it here in some cases and at other sites where they actually post. Theres guys in the forsale section with over 300 posts that are all in the forsale section buying and selling. Not sorry for the Rant its been a pet peeve of mine since the early 2000's when I had a ton of forums up and running. the forsale section getting out of hand like it is ruins forums.
  9. Delw

    223 AR

    Really I never read the rules LOL, I just figured it was common courtesy not to spam places you dont frequent or post. seems like no one has that anymore.
  10. Delw

    223 AR

    Looks to me like your just another f'n spammer. Maybe try FGBOOK or TWTR. Another one that should be banned from the forsale ad's
  11. Dude, a club has worked for hundreds of years. Practice on Seals. Try to get a hold of Tiger Woods old girlfriend she offers lessons on your side of the USA
  12. Delw

    Smart like the FOX

    Congrats, fox's are a blast to call in. nice colors too.
  13. Delw

    Smart like the FOX

    90 yards, he was lucky it was with in range
  14. Delw

    Rock Quarry on Table Mesa Rd

    Thank Stanley, hes the one that made me look, As I knew the one Jazz was talking about, then stanley posted that map and I'm like WTF maybe I am thinking the wrong road. That map is pretty cool I been looking at it now over and hour.
  15. Delw

    Rock Quarry on Table Mesa Rd

    I just did a yahoo search 1st one I clicked on. like you I like it alot also, been looking at it since I posted it. so I bookmarked it. it was free
  16. Delw

    Rock Quarry on Table Mesa Rd

    lots of deer back there too Carp deer and muleys , Kid and I took the hd2500 quite a few miles past the pit was as far as we could get to rough. Wanted to take her jeep back there next time she comes to back to AZ to do some calling. .
  17. Delw

    Rock Quarry on Table Mesa Rd

    https://satellites.pro/Arizona_region_map#33.973029,-112.083753,17 heres the one I was thinking of.
  18. Delw

    Rock Quarry on Table Mesa Rd

    Stanley thats not the one I am thinking of the road runs right along the gate on the north side of the pit. Ill see if I can find it on satellite.
  19. Delw

    Rock Quarry on Table Mesa Rd

    I think the state/blm/gov owns it. they used to use it when widening freeway. I saw a sign on it may years ago.
  20. Delw

    Smells a little Scammy to Me

    I can I'm a equal opportunity discriminator :)
  21. Delw

    Smells a little Scammy to Me

    Anyone with less than 10 post in another state is a scammer, likewise anyone in this state with less than 10 posts is a scammer as well. The rest that post only in the forsale section are just buyers and sellers looking to make a buck, or take advantage of members here never to come back. Personally I would limit the forsale section to 50 min post but hey thats just me.
  22. Delw

    Chicken foot

    Thats interesting. one year Claudia and I was hunting in unit 8 on the east side, we saw about a dozen deer in a 5mile rad like the one you pictured above. everything with in 10 miles was small. go 5-10 miles north south and west they were normal looking racks she would yell Dad a buck I looked it was a doe, then looked again a buck. this was at like 30 yards. the horns were no taller than the ears but had distinct knobs/branched off the main beam super close together. one note it was a super wet year all year with lots of snow in the winter I think we have some pics.
  23. Delw

    So...who's gonna win??

    Dont feed the Monkey
  24. Delw

    Elk archery setup

    Crossbow Bolts your fine just go get arrows and broadheads that shoot good for you and you bow.
  25. Delw

    Elk archery setup

    Finally someone with common sense