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Everything posted by Delw

  1. Delw

    Winchester 556 1000 rounds

    Dude nothing is Private on a forum, you would have hated life on AzBasszone. I posted every email and Pm that people sent me complaining about this person or that person. Public shaming on stupid stuff is a crack up.
  2. Delw


    No need to let me know up until 2 years ago we were out there most of the entire archery deer seasons as well from 1982 and missed about 6 years. in the early-mid 2000's Mainly units 8 9 6a
  3. Delw


    so I was bored and did a quick search on this guys phone number on yahoo he's been using the same phone number since 2019 mainly on a Seattle gay bass fishermen website (Trout) He was doing the same things there as he is all across the US on hunting and fishing sites. he's persistent
  4. Delw

    How far would you pack out an elk

    dang I forgot some of this story found it on hunttalk. it happened in 2004 . Now I just need to find the pics heck YA I said. April was at the desk and looked at me when I said I would be right up. I told her its to payson I will be back by 1am at the latest. John and I agreed to meet off the side of the freeway. Well seems ole del doesnt get out that way(payson) much any more. I told John I would leave at 7pm and be up there at 9:30. dang I can make it to roosevelt lake towning a 22 foot bass boat in 1 hour and 45 mins surely I can make it to payson in 1.5 hours WRONG. I left the shop then the house finally around 7:30-7:45. Forgot my PACK ooops. No problem john said it was 100 yards off the road and on the side of a little hill. in the canyon. I grab a few jackets, spotlight and some knifes, camera and some water. 9:15 I finally make it out of city limits dang the east side has grown. I haul butt up to payson and get there around 10:00 then head to where we were suppose to meet. I was think 10-15 miles out of payson(wrong again). I finaly get up there about 10:30 after passing him twice. had to slam on the brakes a few times for a big cow elk in down town payson, a herd of deer at the little town just past payson and another elk I did see and almost hit just going up the rim. there was plenty of oncomming traffic and no one looked like it hit them ( on the way back at the exact same spot there was a dead elk in the oncoming lane). Now I finally meet john up at his truck, you couldnt miss him his eyes were shut with the biggest smile someone could have.. Johns a pretty quiet guy but he was really talking , he was extreamly happy. so we head down the dirt road. get to the spot and get out and walk, I am thinking right down the side of the hill and have the flash light shining for an elk. John is getting the gps cordinates and it must have shut off cause we walked about 1/2 mile the wrong way. Finally got it on and did a about face. now the elk was on the otherside of the canyon and partway up that hill, Another words almost 3/4 mile from the truck. No biggy we got one pack we can still get it done and be home in a few hours. We locate the cow and That had to be the biggest cow I have seen shot in my life. now I know we arent going to make it home tonight. so we start skinng and quartering and yaking also. John was beat. He could barely stand up. I was getting tired also. so the quarting is all done. now its time to see if 2 old farts and get the elk down the canyon across the canyon and ip the side of mt evrest. first trip consisted of me and johns pack with a hind quarter. John grabbed the 2 front shoulders, hey this wasnt so bad. well about 200 yards later we had to go up. Yup it wasnt so bad but we managed. we went straight up this time and new the trucks were down the road 1/4 mile. found a nice rock and layed the first pack trip on it. Wow tht was a nice rock to we just sat there looking at each other proballt waiting for one or the other to die. We unloaded the pack and front shoulders and went for the trucks. got them to the rock and sat and had a drink. hey we did this one and we made it lets get the rest. Now we walk back down across and up again to the elk. dang we didnt even make a dent. there was still the ribs and one rear quarter and only one pack plus a lantern and rope and some knives. we sat there trying to figure out how to get the rib cage ip to the truck and the rear quarter as well. even though we didnt say it neither one of us wanted to make another trip down to get anything. All of a sudden I see john climbing inside the elksrib cage. well it was kinda heavy and extreanly tall, we managed to shop off some neck meat and a few ribs that were damaged from the bullet. made it much much lighter. Agian we see if there was a way to tie this to johns back so we didnt have to make another pack trip. we'll John was determined to get it all out this time, he helped me on wth the pack and the rear quarter then crawled again inside the elks rib cage and picked it up. now you have to picture this johns about 5'9"-5'10" and alot thinnner than I. this elks rib cage is covering from his neck to his KNees and all the way around. A good analegy would be those old cartoons with the nekid guy using a barrel for clothes. so were off to the truck. we finally make it to the rock and set it down. we are still alive but barely. John is dead tired and was delusional. I was just plain tired and beat. we throw everything in the truck and head back to camp about 1/4 mile away. Park the trucks and comment on OH shoot its late. it was like 4am. I told him I was just going to sleep in the truck there was no way I could drive home. he said he could but I dont think so. so he rashed in his truck and I crashed in mine. We figured we would get a little nap then head home. About 7am johns at my truck wide awake still with a big smile on his face. I finally crawl out of my sleeping bag. (which thank god that I am a slob and lazy cause it was still in the back seat from my elk trip -4 week prior) Other wise I would have froze that night. John let me pop a round off out of the muzzy wow nice gun I havent shot one since I was in highschool. we headed to town and then home. It was a blast and well worth the trip to see john with his first elk not to mention to help him get it out. I kinda like that sort of work every once in a while. Its nice to be the stress from the city. Ive known john for quite a few years now and I will tell you he was really excited about that cow. Congrats John. He has the rest of the pics. I have a few in a email he sent me as well. When I get them I will post them. the one where he is a walking rib cage is a good one. Later time for bed Delw
  5. Delw

    How far would you pack out an elk

    I far as it takes, This one isnt the farthest but the most memorable. a very good friend of mine shot his 1st cow elk just before dark one year. actually it was his 1st big game animal if I recall. I had worked from 4am and got the call about 5pm. once I got the call I was on the road. 2.5 hours later I reached where he was. we headed for another 1 hour drive to where he shot the elk. little bit of snow on the ground colder than crap and we were both beat and hadn't even gotten to the elk yet. after about an hour of searching we found it. gutted it quartered it and started the long haul out. it was maybe 1 mile one way. One big steep canyon down and up and some flat walking to a road. If I recall we did it in 3 trips but I think that took like 5-7 hours we were both younger at the time maybe in our high 30's. I got back on the road and headed home right after we finished as he did as well. the sun was coming up. before we even got to pavement. both of use were up over 24 straight hours. Was one of the toughest pack outs I have ever done. yet one of the most memorable and funnest because it was with a good friend and his very 1st elk. he about died laughing when I told him to slip inside the rib cage and carry it out like a naked barrel man. and he did except he was clothed. kinda funny watching him try to balance himself with now hands going up and down the canyon or over fallen timber . I swear a few times he'd fall over and roll down 50-100 feet then get back up and go at it again.
  6. Delw

    First set of the year

    Nice find.
  7. Delw


    Thats kinda BS, theres a ton of people scouting elk during early archery deer season always have been even before the cams got popular. most Hunters will early archery deer hunt in the unit they got there bull tags, cams or no cams .
  8. Delw


    guides will never admit it because it shows That they help take bigger animals. Normal hunters will admit it and several have on this and other forums over the years.
  9. Delw

    What ever goes topic!!!

    Meanwhile in Ca. ...And the crack pipe's red glare, Mexicans busting caps in the air, gave proof through the night that Newsome was still there... Best comment I ever read
  10. Delw

    What ever goes topic!!!

  11. Delw

    What ever goes topic!!!

    Thats was the 17k extra apps that game and fish got, They figured they would pay back CW by send those 17k a link to the site
  12. Delw

    Tick Tock

    Dude you need to get back in the kitchen and stay on FGBK your starting to sound like a girl
  13. Delw

    Looking for a job?

    I take it too mean the "WOKE" version of "RedMist" ;)
  14. Delw

    Dental Work

    I'm curious what she she would look like operating a vacuum hope she posts pics
  15. Well if you stayed in the kitchen were you belonged you probably wouldn't have an EX
  16. Delw

    Sheds? To Early?

    Easter weekend
  17. Delw

    Game and Fish working hard ....????

    These threads are the greatest, This quote says it best , some of you guys are border line physco. I do love the parts were people say we employee them or there working for use, someone give these fools there buck fifty back as reimbursement. hahaha Carry on
  18. Delw

    A bunch of BS!

    If I remember correctly it was during the USO outfitters / and non resident fiasco that changed the whole draw. back in the early 2000's . There was a bunch of things going on i a short period of time. either a group of non residents sued with the outfitters or alone. but the hole draw go changed. then some years after that the check thing got changed again I believe because of a lawsuit.
  19. anyone hear about this, friend called me asking the same thing. Azfamily has a small article on it and it looks like a bassboat missing a motor. One person Died. https://www.azfamily.com/news/one-person-dead-after-boaters-crash-at-bartlett-lake/article_18fc2e38-8062-11eb-8c5e-27536aa2dc73.html?block_id=997197
  20. Delw

    Boating accident at Bartlett today

    Azcentral shows another bass boat its a white nitro https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-breaking/2021/03/08/1-dies-after-two-boats-crash-bartlett-lake/4637648001/
  21. Delw

    Game and Fish working hard ....????

    heres a list what needs to be done on your portal most of these were NOT in the old Portal. Looks like there trying to make it so you wont have to keep on filling out the forms on the tags for every species. username email password SMS Two Factor authenication phone number Active Military residence Mailing address Id Number
  22. Delw

    Game and Fish working hard ....????

    no not really. they changed it up pretty good as well as the format, its kinda like forum software when upgrading a old one to a new, if you have any mods in the old on and the new one is different but the same KINDA mods its f's up alot. I spent days writing modification scripts back in the day when I was good at it. just to convert forums from one type to another.
  23. Delw

    Game and Fish working hard ....????

    I dont believe the draw is the problem, its the portal accounts that are a problem. if the portals arent ALL updated correctly the draw will give incomplete info to the portal and people will have bigger strokes than they do now. Theres alot of personal info in the new portals that need to be manually put in because it wasnt needed in the past years. I'm thinking of dumping my portal account, they have too much info in there thats required. have you guys looked at the portals and all the details that they require. its a hackers dream all the personal info they can get off the new portals from G&F.
  24. Of course not. and they never will until after the GOV mandates them in order to leave your house.
  25. Only in China can you use that #metoo tag as they are using Anal swabs to check for covid, rumor had it Buttshots are on the horizon